Guest Post - Best Gardening Tips for Beginners
We encounter prejudices that gardening requires a lot of free time, and in fact it takes two to three hours a week and a little enthusiasm. Gardening is fun and rewarding. If you are a beginner, we believe you have encountered challenges, but with the help of tips and tricks, you will be skilled to overcome them. No one was born a gardener, but with dedication and adequate plant care, you can create a real little paradise from your backyard. You will gradually get acquainted with various herbs, ornamental flowers, but also nutritious vegetables and fruits that will make your garden luxurious. There is nothing more beautiful than fresh food that you have grown yourself. Even if certain plants are not edible, they are fragrant and are a gift of nature.
Allow your hands to become the creators of the lovely green oasis, with tips from the following lines.
Each plant has its place in the garden, learn to determine it
When you decide to grow plants and choose seeds, you must educate yourself and read what growing conditions suit each plant individually. Some plant cultures love shade while others enjoy the sun. It is important to understand the plants and get to know your garden. You have been learning about gardening for years, and you just need to keep educating and researching. It is good to know the soil in the garden, in order to assess which plants will be able to grow. For example, camellias and magnolias grow better in alkaline soil. Soil assessment will help you determine which plants are worth growing.
Plant organization
First, investigate the conditions under which the purchased seed grows and thrives best, and then prepare a place for it in the garden accordingly. Things are made even easier by drawing a planting scheme on paper in accordance with the conditions of your garden. Without organization, your garden will be full of diverse plants that together will not look good and can sabotage each other in growth. With planning, you can accurately determine the color and structure of the entire garden. That way, you will be skilled to establish a garden that looks fantastic all year round.
When making a plant planting scheme, make sure that the soil inside your garden is adequate for plant development. You can take a soil sample to an agricultural laboratory or determine the pH value of the soil with a simple home test. Know that the pH value from 6 to 7 corresponds to most plants, except potatoes, eggplant and melons. It is always recommended to take a soil sample to experts because they will extract the value of potassium, sodium and phosphorus. Based on the obtained values, you will know how much you need to fertilize your garden in order for the plants to grow. Beginners are often confused when it comes to planting, because they are not quite sure if they did it in exact way. If in doubt, seek advice from more experienced gardeners or online. It is not enough just to hope for the best, but you also need to be properly informed. When you cultivate plants properly, they will live long and produce you a lot of fruit. Plants buried deep in the ground will not be able to grow, and the root balls left on the surface of the soil can dry out.
Gardening equipment
Many people think that they do not require equipment. Without the proper tools, you can quickly encounter an obstacle that cannot be overcome. From the equipment, it is essential to have scissors in various sizes, waterproof gloves, rakes, hoes, garden hose with an adjustable water jet and a shovel. These are the essential things, and it is advisable to have rubber boots in which you can step on the mud, as well as a hat that will protect you from the strong sun.
Start gardening gradually, be patient and modest
When we say be patient and inclined we want your gardening to thrive and not fall into the classic mistake. At the very beginning, most people opt for a substantial number of plants because one or two crops seem small to them. The seeds of plants are small, but as they grow and develop, they additionally require your attention. It is important to dedicate yourself to each plant and that is why you decide on two to three various crops at the very beginning. You will give them enough attention, and the result will be visible!
There must be space between various plants
As your knowledge of plants grows, you will want to expand the crops within your garden. Take the initial plan you made on paper and take a good look at how much space you have left inside your garden. Different plant cultures must not be too close to each other, because each of them draws nutrients from the ground and must have a personal space for growth and development. Only companion plants that are natural companions to each other can be planted nearby. If you are not quite sure whether the selected plants require more or less space, consult the seller.
Always keep in mind the need for watering
Before you buy certain plant cultures, research their water needs. Some plants require daily watering while others require less water. Coordinate your daily activities and the needs of the garden so that no one would suffer, and based on a rational plan, go shopping for certain plant crops. An important rule is to always water the root of the plant, not the leaves. You can water the garden daily or once a week, with more water. In addition to watering, it is important to feed the plants every two weeks during growth.
Use compost
Compost is added to nourish the plants and aid them to grow. Organic compost involves adding coffee grounds, tea bags and egg shells. Adding compost helps maintain moisture in the soil and creates a natural resistance to pests and diseases.
Protect your plants from pests
Most of the pests in the garden do not cause much damage to the plants. However, there are bugs and snails that can feed on your plants. Take care of them and therefore enable your plants to stay healthy and safe. In addition to pests in nature, plants can also be harmful. For example, if you grow tomatoes, you will keep them away from cabbage, beets, corn and rosemary.
Gardening requires patience, and you will see the results of your work only after a few months. The feeling of pride provided by the green oasis that you developed yourself is priceless!
Author Bio
Allan Wickerson is a passionate blog writer who is extremely keen on writing about health, lifestyle, home improvement, and technology. His exclusive hobby is surfing the net to find amazing articles that can inspire him with some fresh ideas for article writing. He loathes being a common person who wastes his time. Follow him on Twitter.