5 Things Nobody Tells You About Renovating Your Bathroom


Making bathroom renovations can be a costly and time consuming process. It’s easier said than done,  but  if you want your bathroom to look as pristine and good shape as ever, then we can say that it’ll be a good investment in the long run. Besides, in this modern age, people are stepping up their game when it comes to refurbishing the interior of their homes, so why not join in the fun?

Before that however, we know that you’re already excited about the thought of creating a bathroom suited to your liking, but we need you to remember a few things that not many people share about when it comes to the overall renovations of your bathroom:

1. How much would it actually cost to remodel your bathroom?

You may think to yourself that remodelling a bathroom shouldn’t be that expensive, since you’re paying for just one section of the house and not the whole thing. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. We’re telling you right now, even with basic renovations with cheap materials could still cost you  thousands of dollars. On average, it would still cost you between $5,000 to $25,000, while high quality renovations could go up to $30,000. 

There are a number of factors in renovating bathrooms that could possibly drive up its price. Depending on what you want to renovate and what you want to add inside, prices will always vary because of it. Plumbing is an example of some of those factors you need to take note of.  Luckily for you, Glenmore Park Plumbers offers cheap bathroom renovations that are budget-friendly and won’t trim down your savings too much. Rest assured, you can expect a wide range of quality services coupled with an affordable price suitable for you. So if you have time, check out their website now. 

2. Consider your overall design and style 

Setting up the look and feel of your bathroom is an important factor when pushing with the renovations. However, a bathroom shouldn’t just look aesthetically pleasing to look at. A proper layout must be made in order to get a glimpse of how the room will look once everything’s been put into place, and will help you visualize where exactly will your renovations lead to.  Having a good design ensures that your bathroom contains the appropriate fixtures and ambient, comfortable space for the people inside. With the correct design and careful selection of what to have inside, they can make up for a style that will match your own vision with the perfect amenities with a blend of practicality in between. 

3. Lighting is everything 

If you want your bathroom to look exquisite, then a few light bulbs here and there just isn’t going to cut it. As a homeowner, you should take careful consideration what type of lighting you want displayed in the bathroom. We’re talking about if you want a single ceiling light to illuminate everything, or if you’re the type of person who wants ambient lighting in the shower areas. Naturally, there are four types of lighting for bathrooms: task, decorative, accent, and sparkle. It’s up to you on how you want to mix and match these lighting types, but always remember to pick ones that best suit your bathroom routines and don’t go too overboard on it.

4. Have the right amount of storage space

A well functioning bathroom should also have the right amount of storage for all your toiletries, towels, and other bathroom nitty gritties that you’ll need. Bathrooms are one of the most used rooms inside a household, so be sure that you maximize the space inside your bathroom and find good places for storage.

With so many soaps, lotions, and skin care creams stored inside, it’s easy to get lost in all of them and even easier to make the place messy and untidy, especially if everyone in the family is using the same bathroom. Right now, the main goal is to make it as clean and simple as possible while not sacrificing the overall aesthetic that you want to uphold for the inside. This is something that you should first take note of when drawing up plans on how you want your bathroom’s remodeled design to look like.

5. Be creative and don’t be boring

Renovating your bathroom is a chance not many people get to remodel it for themselves and bring out their creative side in designing their homes. Having said that, we advise everyone to not stick by boring, old-school design and take the chance to make your bathroom look as splendid and elegant as possible. So change those old tiles, paint those torn walls, and start adding those necessary bathroom essentials that everyone’s been using lately, because now’s your chance  to build and design the bathroom you’ve always wanted.

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