How to Clean Your House in Preparation for Selling It

How to Clean Your House in Preparation for Selling It.JPG

Cleaning your home before you move may look like a huge task, but if you break it down into steps, it is much easier. There are two great ways to do this: break it down by type of job, or divide it by room. For instance, you could wash all the windows at once, clean all the floors and baseboards, and clean out all the clutter, or take it room by room.

Clear out the Clutter

The first step to cleaning your home is to clear out the clutter. For example, in the kitchen most people have a spot where they just drop everything-their mail, empty jars, pens, and miscellaneous items. Give away or throw out items that are not needed. Kitchen counters can also look crowded with too many appliances. Only one or two appliances should be left visible on the counter, such as a coffee maker or small microwave. Other appliances should be boxed up or placed in a cupboard out of sight. The kitchen is one of the most important rooms in the house, and when you are selling your home, this room needs to look very spacious and inviting. Another space that is important to clean is the garage or workshop. When trying to sell your home, you want to make this space look as large as possible. You can take extra items to the thrift store or put them in temporary storage with a friend.

Wipe Surfaces

No one wants to see dirt and dust in a potential home, so all surfaces need to be cleaned. The more obvious places to clean include the floors, counters, and bathtubs, but do not forget windowsills, top of the refrigerator, bookshelves, baseboards, and light fixtures. Also, the large appliances in the kitchen should be wiped and polished (especially if they are stainless steel). The windows also need to be washed, especially any glass sliding doors or front doors with glass.

Care for the Yard

Some companies, like Olivia Cooley Group, know that the outside of the home is just as important as the inside when you are trying to sell your home. Leaves should be cleaned up, grass mowed, sticks and yard debris cleaned up, steps swept off, and bushes trimmed nicely. Consider cleaning up large children’s toys or extra lawn equipment for the nicest presentation.

To put the finishing touches on cleaning your home, be sure all the lights are working, doors and latches functioning, and all windows have screens in them. Personal family decorations should be taken down, with only a few simple pictures and decorations left. Curtains and blinds should be open to allow light into the room. These are great steps to make your home look beautiful.

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