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4 Pests to Be Aware of in Your Home for Spring and How to Treat Them

They say that spring is the season of new life. What some people fail to consider is that not all of that new life belongs to cute creatures like baby birds, rabbits, and trees; spring marks the end of the coldest months and warmer activities mean you may very well need to look into some pest control. Provided below is a breakdown of four common pests that tend to show up as the weather warms up and how to go about dealing with them.


These pests make irritating noises and great vectors disease. While mostly considered an outdoor pest, it is not impossible for these bloodsuckers to infiltrate buildings. The best piece of advice for preventing swarms of mosquitoes within your residence is to remove any sources of stagnant water; stagnant pools are the ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes.

Carpenter Ants

Warmer temperatures signal these insects to start hunting for food and lodgings. They will use pipes, your foundation, cracks, vents in the attic, and even telephone lines and electrical wiring to reach those goals, in numbers and over considerable distance. The two greatest tells of carpenter ant infestations are rustling within wooden objects and the presence of shavings beneath wood. These are best handled like any other ant colony. Remove traces of food and hire an exterminator.


Spring and rains are the two key motivators of termite activity. Termite infestations have some common elements with carpenter ant infestations but also cause sagging or crumbling of wooden structures, mud tubes along building exteriors, and clusters of winged bugs or abandoned wings. Use poisonous chemical baits to attract and end them.


Rats are serious health hazards because they leave trails of urine wherever they scurry; bites are not the only way rats disease humans. The best way to prevent rats is to watch for quarter-sized holes along your home's exterior, use metal weather stripping to cover gaps under your doors, and keep your garbage cans closed. If you suspect you have a colony skulking within your home, contact an exterminator for a swift and permanent end.

Remember that while spring brings new life to the planet, you need to remain vigilant for pests. Rats and mosquitoes pose serious health hazards, while carpenter ants and termites pose serious damage to your home or business. Take precautions to stop them from showing up and understand that the problem is usually too large to tackle on your own if you notice several of them within the building.