Guest Post - What I Wish I Knew When I Moved Homes


Moving houses can be exciting. You can’t stop picturing yourself in a better neighborhood, in that spacious home with a marvelous kitchen. Most of the time, moving signifies a point of newness where you start a new life that is exciting and promising.

On the other hand, planning a move and actualizing it is a tough task to pull. Amidst the excitement, the whole process can be overwhelming and stressful. If you fail to prepare yourself properly, there is the possibility of some things going against what you anticipated. Before you get out the packing tape and start boxing your things, consider these 4 tips to make your move something you won’t regret later.

1.      Get rid of stuff that you no longer need

If you are like most people who hold onto things for a long time, your house could be full of things that you no longer use. Moving those things to the new home will only make your move difficult and expensive. Take time before the move to sort out such things and plan on how to get rid of them. You can donate, sell or trash the ones that are beyond repair.

In that breath, it is also good to sell your old house first before moving to a new one. This way, you will know how much money you have. You will be clear on the budget for the new home as well as all the repairs that might be necessary. However, you might need to sell your house faster for you to use the cash to pay for the down payment for your new home. But how do I sell my house fast? If that’s your predicament, you need to know that there are trusted cash home buyers in the region ready to give you an offer in the shortest time possible. Just scout for one and contact them to make a deal.

2.      Create a checklist

Moving to a new house is a tiring task. Your biggest goal should be to have your back and sanity intact at the end of it all. However, that is not going to happen if the boxes are to get mixed up and you have to sort them out after the movers are gone. You will also have it rough if some boxes are forgotten or misdelivered and you have to do a follow-up later.

You will save yourself a lot of trouble by labeling every box carefully. Ensure that you write a number and the room where each box belongs. Then list them on a checklist and make a copy. Keep one copy and give the movers the other copy. This way, both of you will have something to tick against to ensure that all boxes are delivered correctly.

3.      Figure out the essentials

If you are moving to a new geographical area, you must figure out the important things before making the move. The last thing you want to do is get stuck looking for a drug store or grocery store when you need them the most. Sure, Google is your friend, but Wi-Fi can fail sometimes. Research the area way before you move. Ensure that you figure out all the routes to your house and the nearest amenities.

It might also interest you to befriend the neighbors from the word go. These individuals have been there longer and they hold precious information that might come in handy when you need it. 

4.      Budget

Moving can be stressful and disruptive. The last thing that you would want is for it to disrupt your finances and land you into debt. It is advisable to have a budget in place before moving so that you are sure how far you can go with the expenses.

Put into consideration all the expenses involved in paying the movers and providing meals to your friends and family who volunteer to help you. Besides, consider the day-to-day expenses in the new house. It would be wise to allocate a bit more than you did in the previous house until you figure out the average costs.


Moving homes is a task that is easier said than done. Besides demanding enough finances, it is a process that requires you to be there physically. Even as you put a budget, you need to clear your calendar to ensure that you have enough time to oversee everything. Additionally, keep in mind the above tips. They will go a long way in helping you move successfully.

Author Bio: Avery is a real estate consultant who partners with CEOs, executives, and solopreneurs to grow their personal and professional goals, human-to-human. After spending nearly a decade working with real estate and marketing, Avery knows what truly drives conversions, serious goals and good outcomes. It’s how well you connect with the heart-beating people you’re trying to help and communicate your understanding back to them. 

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