Guest Post - 5 Tips to Keep Your House Clean While Having Kids
Being a parent is the most lovely and responsible thing at the same time. After a tough day at work, you need to dedicate time and attention to your kids. However, a moment of silence and peace also needs to exist. That is the only way to recharge your batteries and prepare yourself for a new working day. Is something like that easy?
Things become challenging when a family house requires cleaning. That type of obligation reduces the amount of time that moms and dads have to relax. There is no reason to delay the cleaning. Instead, parents who want to have a tidy house and healthy nerves should improve their time management. Here are a couple of tips for all parents who want to keep their house tidy with no extra effort.
Every Item Needs to Have a Place!
Communication between grownups and children needs to be kind and simple. You need to explain to kids that every toy or any other item has its place. However, your task is to design the area where the toys should stay while no one plays with them.
For instance, wood bins are an excellent area where kids can place their toys. Despite that, parents can also be creative and improvise things. An upcycled shoe box can also be an excellent place for trinkets.
It may be tough at the beginning. Parents will probably need to repeat a couple of times the "put this away" request. Fortunately, sooner or later, kids will do that without any additional instructions.
Some Playtime Rules Need to Exist!
Defining some playtime rules will help you keep the house tidy. For instance, kids often like to take all the toy collections they have from the wood box or any other area. Unfortunately, they usually live the mess after they finish playing. That brings another duty that parents need to complete.
Instead of that, parents should help their kids to self-organize with the appropriate rules. For instance, wherever children want to play, they can use only one toy collection. However, if they want to get another one, they need to put the first collection back to the designed area. In that way, cleaning the mess will be much easier for both parents and kids.
There is a good reason why this method will pay off in the end. First of all, kids will get the necessary discipline quicker than usual. Parents will not have to clean instead of them or remind them of the duties they have. Sooner or later, that duty will become part of their subconsciousness.
Organize a Team Work
There is one sad fact that some studies confirmed. Parents spend around five hours a week communicating face-to-face with their kids. Understandably, people work hard every day. Because of that, they need to organize their time to be able to dedicate more attention to their kids.
For instance, let's imagine that you need to complete some paperwork at home. Instead of completing that part of the job, you can look for a standard writing service that will make things easier. In the meantime, you can play with kids and use that time to clean together.
Parents and kids should be a team. Encourage your child to participate in cleaning the house together. The cleaning process, in that way, will be more entertaining for the kids. When grownups are not home, it may happen that kids will continue with the same routine.
Additionally, parents can try to organize some sort of "cleaning party". For instance, they can turn on music while all the family members are participating in cleaning. Everything will look easier and more entertaining when all participants are in a good mood.
Teach Your Kid to Clean Properly
Parents do not only have to make cleaning more entertaining. They also need to ensure that their kids use appropriate methods to complete their job. In many cases, kids will try to clean their room, but moms and dads will probably need to re-clean it. Re-cleaning sometimes takes more time than usual cleaning.
The reason why this happens is simple. As mentioned, you should try to make cleaning look similar to the games kids would enjoy. However, some sort of balance needs to exist, and children need to realize that cleaning is also a responsible task that requires concentration and hard work. Music, teamwork, and other tricks should only serve as a tool that will simplify the entire process.
Clean Regularly!
After a tough day at work, cleaning seems like the most challenging duty ever. Parents would rather spend the remaining part of the day relaxing. However, the mess won't disappear. Because of that, they usually need to complete that part of the job during the weekends.
Weekends serve as the time when people recharge their batteries. It would be much better to spend 1 hour a day cleaning and divide all the duties in that way. For instance, one day all the family members can clean the living room, the next day the bedroom, etc. When the weekend comes, there will be enough time to enjoy family time without any need to worry about additional obligations and rest.
Bonus: Why Don't You Help Other Parents?
Parents should reorganize their time until they reach their goal. However, when they finally reach it, sharing success should serve as an inspiration. Many parents would like to know whether the tricks you were using are effective or not. Pieces of advice that you have can be valuable for many families.
One of the ways to share your “knowledge” is by entering different social media groups. Despite that, you can try out to start a parenting blog. If the partners are not good content writers, they can always use the assistance of thesis writing services like GetGoodGrade. In that way, they will manage to share all the tips throughout simple and engaging content. Doesn’t this sound like a good idea?
Thanks to these five tips, parents will manage to keep their house clean. All family members should participate in the cleaning processes. Teaching kids to clean properly will not only make the free time of a parent more relaxing. It will help children improve their self-discipline and make them more responsible.
With proper communication with kids and adequate time-management, the most difficult task will become a lot easier. Isn't that the goal that all parents have?
Author’s bio. Jessica Fender is a professional writer and educational blogger. Jessica enjoys sharing her ideas to make writing and learning fun.