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Cost-Effective Ways to Save Money and Energy This Winter

The wintertime can wreak havoc on your checkbook if you're not prepared. While you know that you'll be spending an arm and a leg on heating expenses during the cold season, there are some things that you can do to lower your costs. To help you out, we're going to share our most cost-effective ways to save money on energy costs during this winter season.

Program Your Thermostat Effectively

Most people have a smart thermostat or at least a programmable one. One surefire way to save yourself some green in the cold winter months is to program different temperatures depending on the time of day. For example, you can drop the temperature 10 to 15 degrees during the daytime when no one is home. You can also drop it by that temperature at night to help save energy.

Get Your Furnace Serviced

One of the best things that you can do to save yourself a good chunk of change in the winter is to have your furnace serviced. This entails calling an HVAC expert who will come out to your home and evaluate the state of your furnace. They will lubricate motor fans and check belts and other components for wear. They will be able to alert you of any minor furnace repairs that should be done now before the dead of winter hits and the problem gets much worse.

Turn On Ceiling Fans

You're likely familiar with using ceiling fans in the summertime to assist with your air conditioning needs. However, the wintertime is also a great time to run your ceiling fan, just in the opposite direction. Your fan should be spinning clockwise in the winter months. This will bring cold air up towards the ceiling and naturally push the warm air towards the floor. This will make your home feel warmer.

Take Advantage of the Sunlight

If you've ever sat in front of a window on a sunny day, you know that the sunlight can provide an adequate amount of heat. Take advantage of that heat by opening up the windows of your house that face the sun. Try to let in as much sun as possible throughout the daytime as it will provide free heat for your home that you don't have to pay to produce.

Saving money on energy costs in the wintertime is all about identifying where you're losing it. From programming your thermostat to be more cost-effective to taking advantage of the natural heat that sunlight offers, there are many things that you can do. Your best bet is to perform multiple different methods to boost your energy savings this winter season.