Tips and Tricks to extend UPS battery Life- Infographic

The installation of UPS batteries in a house is one of the most important investments and it is equally important to properly maintain the UPS batteries to ensure that your device is protected against power surges and also ensures that maximum battery life is achieved.  UPS battery is the backup which covers the gap between power failure and backup power. Every UPS system has a battery which initiates when main source of power fails. It acts as a secondary power source which is used in case of power outage.

 In order to keep the UPS battery in good life state, it is imperative  to look and understand some of the factors that reduce battery life span which includes temperature, cycling frequency, and common errors in installation. Apart from that lack of regular maintenance is also a contributing factor that can cause battery failure. It is important to understand the battery behavior and take proper remedies like storing a substitute battery, avoiding installation errors, keeping an ambient temperature etc.

The infographic guide below from Power Protect discusses in detail these factors that would help you understand how the life span of battery is affected and the tips to improve battery UPS battery life. Read the infographic guide below to get some more information.

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