Options for Improving Heating and Cooling in Your Home


During extreme weather conditions, heating and cooling your home becomes crucial in creating an ambient environment. However, keeping your home warm during winter and cool during summer can attract hefty energy bills. Several steps exist that show you how to improve your home's cooling and heating to reduce the overall energy cost. 

Change the Air Filters

Air filters play an indispensable role in the overall efficiency of your heating and cooling system. However, most homeowners do know the importance of regular and frequent air filters. Air filters work by blocking debris and dirt from entering your home and thus might accumulate these pollutants. As a result, the air conditioning unit will work harder to pass clean air into the house because of reduced efficiency.


Although some people perceive routine maintenance as costly, it reduces cost by preventing breakdowns during operations that might be more expensive. Regular maintenance has a significant impact on the efficiency of an HVAC system. Moreover, minor repairs to your air conditioner can help it last longer and prevent frequent avoidable breakdowns. You can hire technicians to clean the drain lines, calibrate the air conditioning system, and check its refrigerant levels.

Purchase a Programmable Thermostat

Devices such as a programmable thermostat allow homeowners to increase heating and cooling efficiency in their homes. Programmable thermostats are particularly helpful for individuals who cannot access their homes during specific periods or occasions throughout the week. According to Energy Star, you can save approximately $180 annually if you properly use a programmable thermostat. Various types of programmable thermostats exist, and selection relies on your schedule.

You can manually set what time of day the programmable thermostat should adjust your home's heating and cooling conditions. Conversely, new thermostats come with Wi-Fi connectivity that permits access of its settings remotely through your mobile phone. Furthermore, you can combine a thermostat with household fans to improve air circulation in your home.

Seal All Gaps

Gaps in your home can significantly reduce the efficiency of your air conditioning system. The holes allow warm air to escape during cold seasons, making it difficult for the air conditioner to maintain set temperatures. You can locate such openings around the fireplace chimney, windows, doors, and air ducts. Once you find the leakages, use caulk, weather-strips, or foam gaskets to minimize heat and air loss from your home.

Homeowners should follow the above steps to minimize their energy bills while improving heating and cooling in their homes. Many additional options exist that can help you ensure your air conditioner systems function efficiently and create a comfortable environment.

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