7 Tips for Organizing Your Home during COVID-19

COVID-19 has dramatically changed our lives. Many of us are either virtually working from home or just staying at home as a measure to curb the spread of the deadly virus. It’s a new and distressing experience for most, if not all, of us.  Although the virus itself may make you feel powerless, there are some simple actions you can take to take charge of your home space. Even performing a few simple tasks to keep your home organized can help you lead a more comfortable and fulfilling life during these hard times. Here 7 practical tips for organizing your home during COVID-19.

1.      Choose  a Few Priority Areas to Declutter


 Decluttering is a crucial first step in organizing your home. But you don’t have to work on your whole house all at the same time. Instead, choose a couple of priority areas, and then work on each one of them daily. Consider setting up a dedicated workspace, especially if you’re working from home. It doesn’t have to be an entire room – your home office can be just a space in the dining room, pantry, or closet. Every time you complete a specific home organization task, you’ll feel happy and in control. On top of being active, decluttering can be a fun-filled activity. It’ll allow you to check out your old photos, clothing, gifts, and a variety of other valuable belongings.

2.      Clean Up Your Home Office

If you already have a home office space, take your time to clean and organize it. Check what’s on your work desk, bookshelves, or in drawers, and then sort out what you need and what should go to the trash can. Create a temporary filling area by getting rid of some unnecessary items on the bookshelf.

3.      Develop and Follow a Routine

When working from home or self-isolating, it’s advisable to come up with a routine and follow it daily. Start your day by showering, getting dressed, and taking your breakfast as if you were heading to the office. Ensure your home is clean and organized throughout the day. Once you’re done with your work-related tasks, neaten your workspace, clean the dishes, and ensure everything is tidy so that you can start the next day fresh and with a clear mind.

4.      Create An Extra Space

Do you have adult children? If yes, then adding an extra bathroom or bedroom can be a wise decision during the COVID-19 period. This will offer you adequate space to feel at ease, which will go a long way in enhancing your quality of life. Bear in mind that the pandemic has triggered an economic crisis and many people have lost their jobs. Many homeowners have already seen their adult children return home, and it’s a trend that’s likely to go on for a while. So creating an additional space will be a great idea. And one way to do that is through home remodeling, a project that should be handled by a professional. There are many reliable home remodeling contractors, so be sure to partner with one. Make sure to do your own research for your local area and partner with a good one.

5.      Focus on Safety

There are tons of fantastic how-to videos and guides on how to organize your home on the web, but remember many of them were created before the COVID-19 pandemic. Whatever advice you pay attention to, adapt it to the realities of the circumstances at hand. When sorting out and packing up things you want to dispose of during coronavirus, it’s a good idea to purchase moving boxes instead of depending on boxes from coworkers, friends, or grocery stores. Restrict help with organizing your home to close family members.

6.      Find a Designated Spot for the Masks and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

PPE and mask-friendly accessories have now become part of the clutter that you need to deal with during the COVID-19 crisis. Choose two designated spots for these valuable items – one spot for clean masks and PPE and the second spot for dirty ones. That way, it’ll be easy to separate clean ones from dirty ones.

7.      Store Items Based on How Often They Are Used

The items you use daily should be in plain sight or at least where you can easily get to. The things you use occasionally should need a step stool (think of high shelves). Items you use just once per year should need a ladder. This is where attics and high shelves in a garage come in. With this kind of arrangement, it’ll be easy to access items you use frequently while keeping those you don’t use often clean and neat until you require them.

The Bottom Line

Organizing your home isn’t something you can do just one day and forget about it. Instead, it’s something that you should do every day. Integrate it into your daily schedule so that you can become more efficient at completing your tasks during the COVID-19 period.

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