Everything You Need to Set Up an Ergonomic Home Office

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Working from home has become the norm recently, with COVID-19 sending whole countries into lockdown. For many, it has come with considerable benefits. You now have the freedom to set up a completely ergonomic home office, which will support your health for years to come.

As more and more research emerges about the negative impact of staying seated all day, workers are becoming increasingly committed to promoting their spinal and overall health. Now that we know better, it’s important to do better, which is why an ergonomic home office is the perfect solution.

What Is Ergonomic?

It’s a word that has been thrown about in recent years, but is still not fully understood by most people. Simply put, when referring to the home office space, it’s about fitting the set-up to the person. There are many benefits that come with a ergonomic home office, such as:

  • Less muscle fatigue

  • Increase in productivity

  • Reduced risk of diabetes

  • Less risk of heart disease

  • Reduced muscle strains

  • Prevention of back injuries

When we work from home, it’s tempting to lounge on the couch or stay under the covers in our bed, balancing our laptop on our laps. However, doing this for the long run will lead to musculoskeletal issues. An ergonomic desk and office chair can prevent these problems. 

Ergonomic Office Chair

Let’s take a look at your seating arrangement to begin with. Ideally, you should maintain the following position while working:

  • Your feet need to be flat on the floor with your knees at a 90-degree angle.

  • If you choose to have armrests, they need to be used correctly. Your arms should be supported at 90 degrees and your forearms should be parallel to the floor. Your forearms should never rest on the armrest while you’re typing.

  • Your back should be completely flush against the backrest of the chair, with your entire body sitting back fully. This will encourage your entire body to be stacked, with your shoulders over your hips and your head over your shoulders.

One of the best investments you can make is into an ergonomic office chair. You want to find one with adjustable settings that allow you to find the best support for your body shape and style. Here are some of the features you should be on the lookout for:

  1. Adjustable seat height, so your feet can be on the floor

  2. Adjustable seat tilt, to put your pelvis in the optimal position and take the pressure off your lower back

  3. Seat width and depth that provides enough space for you to sit flush against the backrest with about two to three inches between your knees and the chair

  4. Adjustable lumbar support to achieve the into the optimum position against your lower back for comfort and stability

  5. Adjustable armrests

Ultimately, it all comes down to positioning. Your feet must reach the floor, and your armrests should support your arms at the optimum height with your elbows bent at 90 degrees. Your lower back should be right up against the back of the chair, fitting comfortably against the lumbar support. Your computer should be at arm's-length, with your eyes in line with the top of the screen. Finally, you want to make sure your shoulders, neck and head are all stacked.

All of these steps can be achieved with the Biomorph ergonomic office chair, which come in a range of designs so you can find the best fit for your needs. 

Ergonomic Standing Desk 

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While a supportive chair is critical to your health, sitting for long periods of time isn’t ideal for you. For this reason, it’s essential to pair your ergonomic chair with an ergonomic standing desk. Here’s how to get the most out of your set up:

  • Stand correctly: Have your feet hip-width apart, with your hips stacked directly above them. Make sure your weight is being distributed evenly.

  • Wear supportive shoes: If you’re going to be standing in them all day, make sure your shoes are as comfortable and supportive as possible.

  • If you’re experiencing any pain, readjust: Listen to your body to determine what’s not working in your current set up.

  • Check your posture: You don’t want to be hunched over your monitor, or find yourself leaning on your desk throughout the day. It can help to switch between standing and sitting in your ergonomic chair. This will allow you to maintain strong posture for the entire day, even as your body tires.

Getting the right set up for your home office will have many ongoing health benefits. Plus, you can move easily between sitting and standing for ongoing comfort, which could even help you increase your productivity throughout the day as a result.

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