Top Energy Conservation Tips for Your Homes Lighting

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Lighting in a home is just as essential as running water. Your home is your sanctuary and it’s important to have lighting that complements your aesthetic, decor, and energy conservation needs! Let’s take a look at some of the top energy conservation tips that you can practice at home.

Heating and Cooling Systems Maintenance

Practice cleaning or replacing your filters on a regular basis, at least once a month. When the filters of your heating and cooling systems are dirty, your system has to work harder to do its job. Letting your filters go without cleaning maintenance for too long can also encourage mold and mildew build up. So, in a nutshell, cleaning your filters often will save you money and time in the long run. 

If cleaning your filters is not a part of your regular routine, you can easily implement it by adding it to your list of other household items that need to be cleaned on a monthly basis. Clean your filters when you clean your ceiling fans, walls, windows, and other items of that sort. Once you start the routine, it’ll stick and seem like less of a chore.

Upgrade Your Appliances

Older appliances have a tendency to use much more energy than newer models. Refrigerators that are more than 10 years old may use up to 50% more energy! While you may think you’re saving money by holding on to what seems to be a perfectly working refrigerator, you may be losing money in the end. Upgrade your appliances when necessary to ensure you’re owning the most energy efficient models possible. 

Make Lighting Useful

There’s no need for a light to be on in a room if no one is going to be in it. Practice turning off lights while not in use to save energy. And while you’re at it, switch all of the lights in your house to LED lights. LED lights emit light much more efficiently than traditional incandescent light bulbs. 

This tip isn’t necessarily a conservation tip but it’s equally important. Use lighting in your home that you absolutely love. The truth is, your electricity bill will always have a tab on it, even if it’s a small one. Make sure that the lighting in your home is lighting you love seeing on a daily basis.

Are you happy to come home? Are you proud when guests stop by? If you’re not, definitely spend a little more time considering the lighting in your home. While lights are not a painting or sculpture, they are still artistic and can be used as decor elements. 

Mindful Baking and Cooking

If you love baking, you should also love keeping the oven closed while in use. Every time the over door is opened, temperatures can drop by an entire 25 to 30 degrees. Meaning, your oven will have to repeatedly work to remain at the temperature you originally set for it. 

Another great tip to conserve energy while baking is to avoid placing aluminum foil at the bottom of the oven to catch drippings from your tasty dishes. Foil can interfere with those magical browning powers that your oven has, as well as, block air circulation and heat. 

If you’re more interested in the stove top, we have some great tips for you too. Use pot tops as often as possible to bring liquids to a boil faster and cook food more quickly. Using a pot top will ensure all of the heat stays exactly where it needs to be to complete your dish at a fast and tasty rate. 

Water Heaters and Clothes Dryers

If you’re able to gauge the times you’re going to take showers, practice turning your water heater off when it won’t be in use for long periods of time. In the typical household, the shower is usually in use during mornings before school and work and evenings before bed time. There’s no need for your water heater to be on while your family is out and about during the day. 

If possible, dry loads of clothes back to back to take advantage of your dryer's built up heat. Another great practice is to clean your lint filter after you’re done with each load. This practice will help your dryer to dry your clothes more efficiently and also save you from having a heap of lint to clean over time. 

Consider Eco-Friendly Home Energy Solutions

When it comes to enhancing your home's energy efficiency, considering alternative solutions beyond traditional lighting methods can significantly impact your energy bills and carbon footprint. One such innovative approach involves harnessing the power of residential solar panel systems. These systems consist of solar panels that convert sunlight into electricity, allowing you to illuminate your living spaces and generate clean energy. Integrating residential photovoltaic systems into your home's lighting strategy allows you to tap into renewable energy sources while minimizing your reliance on conventional power grids. In this article, we'll delve into how these systems work, their benefits, and how you can seamlessly integrate them into your home, ushering in a new era of sustainable lighting and energy conservation.

Practice Makes Perfect

If you’re not accustomed to practicing most of these tips, there’s no need to worry. Practice makes perfect! You can always go the extra step and make daily energy conservation reminders for your family. Place your tips on the refrigerator or hallway so everyone can be aware of your new system. Cheers to saving energy and having a happier home!

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