The ultimate unpacking checklist

Most people think that unpacking is the easiest part of the moving process. However, if not done properly, it can end up giving you an even bigger headache than decluttering and packing combined. To help you prevent this from happening, we've prepared the ultimate unpacking checklist. Since the way you pack is essential for easy unpacking, we've prepared useful packing tips, too. The only simpler thing would be hiring professionals to do everything for you.

Make unpacking simpler by packing properly

Paying attention to how you pack is the best way to make unpacking and settling into your new Connecticut home easier. The first step towards making this more manageable is to declutter your home. By getting rid of unnecessary belongings, you'll reduce the amount of stuff you'll have to pack and then unpack.

Once you decide what you want to bring with you to your new place, it's time to start packing. Here are the three most important packing tips that will make unpacking easier.

  • By packing one room at a time, you'll be able to group your belongings.

  • While packing each room, make an inventory of your belongings. You'll be able to do a final clutter check and potentially decide if there is something else you'd like to toss. It's important not to skip this step. The experienced packers from Teddy Moving and Storage confirm that making an inventory is crucial if you want to make unpacking hassle-free.

  • Make sure to label each box and write it down in your inventory. This way, you'll be able to look at your list, take a box to the right room, unpack it and place its content where it belongs.

  • Set aside a box of essential items you'll need for your first night in your new home. After a tiring day, the last thing you want is to go through boxes looking for your toiletries and pajamas.

The unpacking checklist that will make your relocation easier

After an easy transfer from NYC to Connecticut, it's time to start unpacking. It's only normal to feel overwhelmed and unsure about where to begin. However, we're here to make it easier. Further in this article, you'll find our unpacking checklist.

Compare boxes to your inventory list and sort them

If you didn't have enough time to check every box as it was being carried inside by movers, now is the time to do it. Use your inventory list or the one provided by your moving company if you didn't make it yourself.

If you can't find something, make sure to contact your moving company. Also, take each box to the room it belongs to as it will be much easier to unpack it there. If you labeled the boxes while packing, it will be pretty easy to do this.

Set your priorities

Don't rush unpacking. You don't have to start doing it as soon as you move in. Remember, there are no more deadlines or moving dates you need to be mindful of. Therefore, take your time, and if you have more important things to focus on at the moment, don't neglect them only because you have to unpack.

Even though you might not feel comfortable living among piles of cardboard boxes, you still may have more important things to do. Maybe you need to prepare for work the next day or run errands in your new town. Whatever it is, take as much time as you need.

Create an unpacking strategy

If you prepare the right unpacking strategy, you already did half of the job. If you create a good unpacking plan and stick to it, the entire unpacking process will go smoothly, even unnoticed.

We guarantee there will be no emotional bursts or moments of high frustration or tension. After all, without a deadline constantly burdening you, you can relax and do things at your own comfortable pace.

Unpack only the essential things

The last thing you want to be doing after arriving at your new Connecticut home is to instantly start unpacking. A shower and clean bedsheets probably sound much better after all the hard work you invested into your move.

So, on your first and even your second day, try not to get too overwhelmed and unpack only the essential things.

Decide where to start

When it comes to deciding where to start, you'll probably come across many different opinions. However, most moving professionals agree that your kitchen should be the first room to unpack.

If you don't have time to completely unpack all of your kitchen items, unpack only what you need and use the most. Hook up appliances, and after you're done with the rest of your home, you can come back and organize your new kitchen in detail.

You are the one choosing when and where to start. Usually, it depends on the time of day you arrive at your new place. For instance, if you move in during the early afternoon, you might still feel energized and willing to unpack your kitchen first. On the other hand, if you arrive late in the afternoon or evening, your priorities will probably be the bathroom (a hot shower) and bedroom (good night's sleep).

The bottom line

We hope our unpacking checklist will help you settle quickly in your new home. Now that you know how to efficiently handle unpacking, it's time to think of ways to add a personal touch to your space and make your new Connecticut home reflect your personality. Best of luck with your move!

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