Guest Post - The Benefits of Having a Multifunction Printer in Your Home Office

Working from home often leaves you without access to vital equipment such as scanners and printers. These devices can be installed in a home office, but they take up an enormous amount of space. A much more practical solution is to equip your workspace with a versatile multifunction printer. But what are the benefits of a multifunction printer?

1. Organized Multi-Tasking

We love the way a multifunction printer (MFP) combines everything you need in one easy appliance. It prints correspondence and photocopies documents. You usually have the choice of setting these functions in black and white or color. You can even use it as a scanner to upload paperwork or photographs into your PC. An MFP also includes email facilities and a fax machine for transferring documents. Whatever your work requires, a versatile MFP can provide the solution.

2. Perfect for Small Home Offices

Most of the home offices we've organized for clients are small. They often must be incorporated into the corner of a living room or bedroom. Space is at a premium. It's vital to avoid clutter to keep your space more liveable and comfortable to use. An MFP usually has a width of around 15-19 inches (40-50 centimetres). It's similar to the size of a single-function printer, yet you get multiple functions all in one tiny space. It's ideal for any home office.

3. Versatile and Convenient

Maximizing your productivity is important when you work from home. Choosing a versatile MFP can certainly help you be more organized. It usually has a simplified operation with easy to understand instructions. Many have sleek, touch screen control panels. You can even switch between functions by simply pressing a button. An MFP saves you from having to familiarize yourself with several machines and multiple modes of use. A small home office can't usually accommodate separate machines, requiring some to be placed in another room. An MFP is so convenient as it saves you from having to leave your desk.

4. An MFP is less Expensive

An MFP is the perfect piece of equipment when you're setting up a home office on a budget. Purchasing individual items such as a scanner, printer and photocopier can work out expensive. An MFP provides you with multiple functions in one purchase. The cost of an MFP can sometimes be similar to the price of just one individual device such as a fax machine. You might not even need every function regularly. Therefore, an MFP saves you from wasting valuable funds on little-used pieces of office equipment.

5. Reduces Your Carbon Footprint

It's important to run your home office as ecologically as possible. An MFP helps prevent excess carbon emissions from escaping into the atmosphere. You only must run a single device instead of many. Most MFPs are built to a streamlined design that is economical with energy usage. A common feature is inkjet printing technology. It uses less energy than laser printing, which must rely on pre-heating an infuser to operate. The money you save on electricity is a long-term advantage.

6. Smart Technology

Many of today's MFPs are sophisticated home office appliances that are compatible with Smart technology. You can easily find MFPs with wireless and Bluetooth connectivity. It means you can usually integrate an MFP into a smart home automation system. It allows you to operate an MFP through your mobile even when you're not at home. You can be more organized by sending remote instructions for different functions. For example, documentation can be already prepared by the time you arrive back at your home office.

7. Economical Servicing and Repairs

Keeping your home office equipment in good condition can be costly if you have multiple devices. However, an MFP is usually economical to maintain. You only must pay one service charge to keep your MFP operating correctly. Repairs are also less expensive if you call for professional help. Inkjet MFPs are usually made to high standards with a streamlined design. They don't usually include complex components such as transfer belts or imaging units. Any MFP repairs are nearly always quick and easy to fix, allowing you to recover a good work productivity level.

8. Speed and Efficiency

But how does the performance of an MFP compare to separate devices? Many MFPs use the simplicity of advanced technology. It makes them smooth-running and very competitive when compared to individual machines. Typical printing speeds can be around three seconds for one page. For batches of multiple copies, you can expect up to 50 pages in one minute. More expensive models achieve commercial office rates with up to 100 pages in a minute. Scanning and photocopying results are usually just as impressive. An MFP can make your home office maintain fast and efficient standards.


Equipping your small home office with a multifunction printer has many benefits. You can make a small space comfortable to use. It's an economical investment that reduces your carbon footprint and saves on maintenance and repair charges. A multifunctional printer is convenient and versatile. You can even integrate some models into smart home automation. Your home office can be highly organized and efficient when you choose a multifunctional printer.

Author Bio:

Greg Tuohy is the Managing Director of Docutec, a business printer and office automation software provider. Greg was appointed Managing Director in June 2011 and is the driving force behind the team at the Cantec Group. Immediately after completing a Science degree at UCC in 1995, Greg joined the family copier/printer business. Docutec also make printers for family homes too such as multifunction printers.

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