Renovations That Will Make an Old Home Look New

Renovations That Will Make an Old Home Look New

While the United States may not be as old as other countries, we still have no shortage of older houses, especially in New England. If you live in one of these older homes and want to bring it into the modern era, consider some of these renovations that will make an old home look new.

Update the Bathroom

The bathroom is a good place to focus your efforts because it’s typically where your day starts. Some older homes also have restrooms that use carpeting or linoleum floors, which is never ideal. In an environment that often gets wet, such moisture can ruin linoleum or fester in carpets until mildew and mold take hold. Consider trending designs with tile instead for a bathroom that’s both stylish and much more practical. Tiles are nonporous, meaning water, dirt, and other contaminants can’t get stuck on their surfaces. Cleaning and maintenance for tiles are thus so much easier.

Refresh the Kitchen

Have you ever considered how much time you spend in the kitchen or how old your appliances are? An easy renovation that will make an old home look new is replacing your current, outdated appliances with modern ones. This may seem costly at first, but it will save you money in the long run because modern appliances are much more efficient and less wasteful due to advances in technology. Tile can also come into play once more to give your kitchen sink a sleek new backsplash that accents the walls beautifully.

Improve First Impressions

The entryway is the first impression your guests receive when they enter your home. For many people, renovating the entire house is probably not viable. So, instead, focus on devoting the time and effort to renovate the entryway. This will do wonders for changing the perception of your home to something a bit newer and more stylish that’s in line with modern housing trends. Painting alone is a great way to update the entryway and make it look new and fresh. This is especially true because the paints of eras past were different from the vibrant paints of today.

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