Household Items You Should Be Replacing Regularly

Replacing items in your house comes at a price, but if you don’t keep up with it, these things can lead to costly repairs down the line. There are a few different things in your home you should be replacing regularly, but some are more important than others.

Household Items You Should Be Replacing Regularly

If you’re having trouble figuring out which ones to prioritize, don’t worry. Here’s a list of household items you should be replacing regularly.

Air Filter

It’s easy to forget to replace your air filter because it’s out of sight and therefore, out of mind. However, forgetting to replace it can cause your HVAC system to work much harder, and if left unchecked, it can damage your system.

You replace your air filter at least every three months. Consider learning about the pros and cons of washable furnace filters if you don’t feel like buying a new filter every couple of months. Disposable air filters are pretty cheap, and they’re much more affordable than paying a few thousand dollars to repair your HVAC unit.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Replacing your carbon monoxide detectors every few years could potentially save your life. You should replace them every five to eight years depending on the model you use.

If your detector is newer, you can examine the back of it to find the expiration date. But if you can’t find the date, you should just replace the detector anyway.

They’re quite cheap, often costing as little as $15, but if you want one with a digital display, it’ll be closer to $40. Spending the money to prevent yourself from inhaling dangerous chemicals is well worth the cost.

Water Filter

Safety should be the top priority for your household, so replacing all of these items should be on your annual to-do list. Changing your water filter is another item you should add to the agenda, whether you use a pitcher with a filter or a filter attached to your refrigerator.

Depending on the type you have, you might need to change the filter more or less frequently. To be safe, review the manual for your filter to make sure you’re accurate with the schedule.

Replacing your water filter prevents it from developing mold, which leads to numerous health consequences. Faucet water filtration systems only cost between $30 and $60, and for a pitcher with a water filter, the cost is only between $16 and $30.

Overall, staying on top of what you need to replace can lead to a happier and healthier home. Now that you know which household items you should be replacing regularly, go ahead and make a list!

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