Guest Post - A Comprehensive Deep Cleaning Guide for Your Home Before the Holidays

If you’re expecting guests this holiday season, you’ve probably spent a good amount of time cleaning the house already. Yet, even the most attentive hosts can forget to clean the oft-neglected nooks and crannies. After all, there are more important things to worry about than cleaning your oven, right? Well, if you want to make a good impression and create a warm and welcoming atmosphere, it’s all about the details.

Use this comprehensive guide to lift the grime and make even the most shadowy corners of your home shine with holiday cheer.

1. Dust Blinds and Fans

It’s easy to forget about cleaning your blinds and ceiling fan blades. Out of sight, out of mind, right? Then, one day, you flip a switch or pull a cord and there’s dust everywhere. Don’t let this be you on Thanksgiving or Christmas day! Dust those bad boys off before guests arrive using a microfiber cloth. Fight buildup with a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water and leave blinds open to dry thoroughly.

2. Vacuum Drawers

You open and close your kitchen drawers multiple times a day, but how often do you actually remove their contents and clean them? In the chaos of cooking, all kinds of crumbs and food particles can fall in there. The last thing you want your guests to see when they’re grabbing a fork is some old lemon zest and rogue grains of rice, so grab a vacuum and get cleaning.

3. Clean the Oven

Before you cook the Thanksgiving bird, make sure you remove all those pieces of burnt, crusty food from your oven with a combination of water, baking soda, and white vinegar. That way you aren’t cooking up funky smells or tastes on the big day. Coat the oven interior with your homemade, chemical-free cleaning solution and leave it to sit overnight to loosen stubborn buildup and grime. Then, wipe everything clean the following morning.

4. Wipe All Surfaces

Remember to wipe down all of your home’s surfaces the night before guests or in-laws arrive. You can use an all-purpose cleaner or sanitizer for plastic, metal, and glass surfaces like windows, mirrors, and faucets. However, you might want to use a special solution of mild dish soap and water to clean more sensitive materials like wood veneer. Read product labels and spot test small areas to prevent stains and maximize your cleaning efforts.

5. Clean the Toilet

Toilets were made to get dirty, but sometimes even the toughest thrones fall victim to hard water stains and bacteria buildup. If you don’t remove them before guests arrive, those questionable-looking streaks will gross them out big time. Show your porcelain who’s boss with a mixture of vinegar and baking soda or get scrubbing with a pumice stone. With a little time and effort, your toilet will be good as new in no time.

Make a List, Check It Twice

Take a hint from Santa and make a deep cleaning list this holiday season. Add the above to-dos and take inventory of other nooks and crannies that might need some attention. If you remember that the big picture is all about the small details, your loved ones are sure to feel right at home in your humble — and sparkling clean — abode.

Author bio: Rose Morrison is the managing editor of Renovated, where she offers advice on home renovation, maintenance, and organization.nd slow-paced lifestyle now, because your little ones will be back in school before you know it!

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