Guest Post - Practical Strategies for a More Organized Home This Winter

In winter, we have a tendency to get a little bit more disorganized. The cold weather and dark days can make it a little bit harder to stay on top of things.

This article will cover some strategies that will help you maintain your home this winter while still maintaining your sanity.

The goal of home organization is to make your routines easier and your space more productive. Not only that, but you will be able to have a clean living environment for yourself and your family. And the best part? You don’t have to spend any money on products or services. All you need is some simple knowledge and the desire!

Imagine coming home from work, school, errands or socializing with friends. The last thing you have the energy for is to spend hours cleaning up all over again just so that you can feel at ease in your own home.

Your house needs an organizational plan before it becomes a disaster!

How to Deal With the Clutter and Get Rid of It Quickly

Clutter is a common problem that can easily be solved with a few tricks.

Do you need to declutter? Take a look at these decluttering tips. The process is not easy, but it’s worth it.

We must remember that clutter doesn’t only come in the form of physical items. We also need to clear our thoughts and get rid of mental clutter. The following are some tips on how to deal with clutter for the winter time:

  • Go through your clothes and get rid of anything you don't wear anymore

  • Organize your home's storage spaces

  • Declutter kitchen cupboards or pantry by throwing away expired food or old spices

  • Take control over your inbox - unsubscribe from any email lists you don't read regularly, delete spam emails, make rules to prioritize important emails

Why is a More Organized Home Important in Winter?

Winter is a very cold and rough season, especially for those who live in Northwest Europe. It can be tough to make the house look tidy when there are no leaves on the trees and all of the plants are dead.

It may seem like a daunting task to make your house organized, but it is easier than you think. Start by decluttering your home - get rid of any items that you don't use or have not used in a very long time. The more clutter-free your home is, the less work it will be in the future when winter comes around again.

  1. How to Become Less of a Clutter Person This Winter with These 4 Steps

One of the biggest causes of clutter is when we cling to items that we don't need. They may be useful at one point but they soon become unnecessary and useless.

If you want to declutter your home this winter, these steps will help you do it:

  1. Make a list of all the things in your house that you don't use anymore and never plan to use again.

  2. Get rid of the things on your list by donating them to charity or throwing them away if necessary.

  3. Clean up your living space and throw away any trash that has accumulated because there's no longer anything cluttering up your home!

  4. If there are items that have sentimental value to you, put them in a separate box so they won't get mixed up with other stuff.

8 Great Ideas for Decluttering Your House in just 10 Minutes

Looking at a cluttered house can make you feel overwhelmed, frustrated and unhappy.

In order to get it into a tidy shape, all you need is 10 minutes of your time and these 8 great ideas.

  1. Start small.

  2. Create a "picking station."

  3. Set aside an hour on Sunday night to declutter while watching TV or movies.

  4. Sort papers by person for easy reference.

  5. Put away what you have used in the last month.

  6. Tackle one floor at a time so your mind doesn't get scattered. 

  7. Designate a place for all of your clutter that will help keep things from piling up again.

  8. Use hooks or over-the-door organizers to keep things away from the floor.

How I Finally Mastered the Art of Tidying Up My House and It's Working!

Many people underestimate the power of a tidy home and think it is not worth the effort. But I beg to differ. It has been scientifically proven that a tidy and organized home provides many mental, physical, and emotional benefits to its inhabitants.

For me, it has helped to make a game out of it. Put the timer to five minutes and see how much you can tidy up in just this short time. If you did well, don't forget to reward yourself with a little treat.

Practical Strategies for a More Organized Life

People often underestimate the importance of organizing their life and don’t realize the difference it can make. It is a common misconception that organization is time consuming and doesn’t bring any benefits.

The fact is that organization does not only help you save time, but also improves your general satisfaction and wellness.

Here are some simple strategies to help organize your life:

  • Create a list of goals: The first step in organizing your life is to know what you want from it, so you need to create a list of goals. These may be short-term or long-term goals, but their importance should be the same for you. The purpose of this step is to provide clarity and motivation for all other steps ahead.

  • Make a plan: Once you know your goals it is time for action. Some find it helpful to break tasks down into smaller steps.

Conclusion: Start Organizing Your Stuff This Winter for More Happiness

Organizing your stuff will help you to be more productive and happier. The best time to do it is this winter when we don't have many distractions and we need to slow down a bit anyway.


This article was written by a real estate team. They are the founders of and with the goal to search the cheapest real estate in the world and make it easy for others to find. The team is made up of landlords, real estate investors, architects and builders from several different countries.  We just love to have a good strong cup of coffee while we write our experiences.

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