How often should you clean your home junk

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A woman carrying three boxes with another pile of boxes behind her

Everyone should want to live clutter-free and have a neat home. But how often should you clean your home junk and how to do it? If you are unsure about the answers but are slowly reaching the point where your place looks cluttered and messy, continue reading this article. We've prepared solutions that will help you keep your junk-free.

Why should you clean your home junk?

Do you feel overwhelmed and even anxious when you think of decluttering? It's because you're unaware of how beneficial freeing yourself from clutter can be not just for the sake of the aesthetic of your home but for your wellbeing.

Decluttering has many mental and physical benefits.

Here are just some of the benefits of decluttering:

  • You will feel less stressed

  • At any point, you will know where each of your things is

  • You'll spend less time cleaning

  • Ultimately, you'll feel happier and more relaxed

How to declutter?

Decluttering is a task many people dread. They sometimes procrastinate until they have no more free storage space and their home looking messy. However, it's not that difficult. In fact, there are ways to declutter your entire home in a day.l . Additionally, services such as a professional rubbish removalist company can simplify this process greatly.

When getting rid of your excess stuff, make sure to go green and recycle.

Whether you're decluttering before a move or simply because your home is becoming too messy, the best way to go is to create piles and start sorting your things:

  • Keep - You should only keep things you know you'll use, and you really need. Of course, there will always be some sentimental items but try not to exaggerate.

  • Toss and recycle – When decluttering, make sure to get rid of all the items you don't use and that can't be used by anyone else. Don't forget to recycle, too, and sort them as paper, glass, and plastic. 

  • Donate - You'll surely find things you don't want to use anymore but are still in good condition. The best thing is to donate them or give them to a friend who might need them.

  • Put in storage - If you have things you don't have room for or simply don't want around your house, consider renting a storage unit and putting them away. 

How frequently should you get rid of home junk?

Decluttering is not a one-off process. Even after you've thoroughly cleaned your place and gotten rid of your excess things, eventually, clutter will accumulate again. So how often should you clean your home junk to keep it tidy?

The answer to this question is not as simple as you might think. Different people accumulate junk and clutter at different rates and get different answers to this question.

In order to find our answer, you first need to consider several things and answer three other questions.

How many people live in your home?

The calculation is simple - the more people live in a home, the higher the rate of clutter accumulation. More people are buying and bringing stuff home, which means junk will accumulate more quickly.

Therefore, if more people live in your home, you should declutter more often. The good idea is to talk to your household members about the importance of decluttering and create your decluttering routine together.

How often do you shop?

If you enjoy shopping and love buying things you don't necessarily need, you will need to declutter more often. If your other household members have the same habit, the clutter will only accumulate more.

To make your home feel neat and tidy, ensure you frequently declutter. Many people agree that, in these cases, decluttering your things once every 3-6 months is enough.

Do you have growing kids?

Kids quickly outgrow clothes and toys. Therefore, if you have growing kids, you can expect to declutter very often. Otherwise, these things will most likely end up in piled-up boxes in their rooms.

Therefore, declutter at least once a year until they reach the age when they're not growing at such a fast rate. Also, decluttering kids' things is an excellent way to teach them about values. For example, you can have them donate their old stuff to less fortunate kids.

Spaces you should declutter every week

Even if you try your best to keep your home neat at all times, there are certain rooms in your home where junk tends to accumulate faster. Therefore, you should make sure to declutter these areas at least once a week. That way, you will be sure your home is always junk-free.


For health reasons, you should keep your refrigerator neat and junk-free by decluttering once a week.

If junk accumulates in the kitchen, it could be a potential source of disease. Therefore, make sure to check it once a week. You should look at your kitchen cabinets and make sure there are no items, especially condiments, that have expired. If you find any, throw them away.

The most important part of the kitchen you should check is your refrigerator. Make sure to throw out any food that has expired. Also, if there are any half-opened cans you used a couple of days ago or leftovers older than three days, get rid of them too.


The bathroom is one of the rooms you should declutter regularly. Even if you have a lot of extra storage in the bathroom, clutter tends to accumulate on counters and in cabinets. Therefore, once a week, make sure to put away any little bits of bathroom clutter as it can make it look messy.

Also, make sure to check for any empty shampoo or shower gel bottles and look at products you haven't used for some time. Most importantly, check your medicine cabinet. If anything has expired, make sure to get rid of it.

Coffee table

Another place in your home where junk tends to collect is your coffee table. Have you ever got distracted and left your mail on it only to remember five days after to take a look at it? What about those four-month-old newspapers and magazines?

As your coffee table can easily become a dumping ground, make sure to declutter it once a week.

Roll up your sleeves and clean your home junk

Now that you know how many benefits clutter-free home gives you and how often you should declutter, roll up your sleeves and clean your home junk. You will instantly feel better.

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