Next Exterior Refresh: How to enhance your home's style over the weekend


Weekends are valuable because you have more time to spend at home to freshen up the style of your home. This helps to give your home a facelift. However, if you are struggling with ideas, check out these five great tips to enhance the style of your home over the weekend.

Add New Lighting

Lighting helps to bring your home to life. When your home is poorly lit, it will look dark and dull. Adding new lighting to your home will make it look airy and welcoming. There are different ways to improve your home with lighting. For example, you can buy floor lamps and place them in strategic places like the dark corners of your home. When using lighting in your rooms, you can layer the lighting with side tables. This will make the rooms look welcoming. You can also replace all your outdated lighting fixtures with the impressive modern lighting fixtures available on the market. The use of bright lighting can give your home a facelift. 

Clean and Paint Your Home

One way to enhance the style of your home is by cleaning and painting it. Cleaning your home properly over the weekend can improve your mood and make your home more comfortable. Also, painting your home will make it look new and welcoming. When painting your home, look for places that need a touch-up. For instance, you can consider painting your ceiling or trim with a coat of white paint. Painting can help transform your home, thereby reducing the need for significant renovations. It can also help bring new life to outdated furniture. Whenever you have some free time over the weekend, don't forget to do some cleaning and painting in your home.

Decorate Your Living Room and Kitchen. 

A great way to improve your living room is by rearranging the furniture. Try setting up your furniture in a new way. Also, you can swap out some furniture from other rooms to establish a new look. You can choose to make use of a new rug, hang a few curtains, and change the decor on the bookshelves. Furthermore, the weekend is a great time to add some style to your kitchen. You can decide on painting the cabinets and walls of your kitchen. Since you will be doing a lot of activities in your kitchen, you should consider painting it with color that can hide dirt or stains better. Also, use a semi or high gloss finish to prevent unnecessary peelings. You can also add plants as decoration, they will give a lively atmosphere to your indoor look. You can just visit the closest flower shop and bring them home over the weekend. Be careful to check what kind of dirt and how much water do they need once you start taking care of them! If your living room is dark and there is not much sunlight passing through the windows, add some LED grow lights to help the plants grow healthy. 

Create Accent Walls

One of the best ways to enhance your house style is by creating an accent wall for your home. Taupe or White walls have a unique look, but adding a little pop of color can make your house look modernized. Also, you can choose to experiment with patterns, tone, textures, and more. With complimentary accent colors and painter's tape, you can create modern wall art. Irrespective of what you want to achieve with your accent wall, try to make sure it reveals your distinct sense of style. 

Change the Siding of Your Home

Changing siding can make your home stand out remarkably. Siding plays a vital role in the security of your home. It protects your home from elements like snow, ice, wind, or rain. Having poor siding will allow water to enter your home from the windows or roof, resulting in crucial damages like mildew and foundational issues. Whenever you notice air coming through the exterior of your home, then it may be time to consider changing your siding. If you don't have time for this, it would be nice to seek professional help from siding contractors. Make sure you hire a siding contractor who is licensed and insured because this guarantees that they will help you install your siding correctly. 


Spending time over the weekend adding style to your home is a great way to have fun and improve the quality of your home. Remember to add style to your home, add new lighting, clean and paint your room, decorate your living room and kitchen, create accent walls and change the siding of your home. Take on the challenge today and make your home look special! 

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