7 Simple Habits to Give Your Bathroom an Eco-Friendly Makeover


If you are thinking of living a zero-waste life, the key is to do it bit by bit. You can start in one area of life, such as your hygiene and bathroom routine. Doing so makes your transition eco-friendly and manageable.

That said, we have listed down seven eco-conscious habits you should start building to have a sustainable bathroom.

Use energy-efficient lighting

If you want to be more eco-friendly, the first thing that you need to do is ensure that you don’t use more resources than you need. An example of a resource that you might want to be more efficient in using would be energy.

In the bathroom, you would often use energy to light the bathroom. Therefore, if you want to be more energy-efficient in the bathroom, switch to LED lights.

When you have energy-efficient lighting, you reduce the energy you need to run your bathroom. That means that you are more resourceful while also reducing the energy costs that you have to pay. 

Minimize water usage

Aside from being more mindful of how much energy you use, it would help to keep in mind your water usage. Reducing water usage enables you to reduce your water bills, and it’s more sustainable since you’re not using more than you need. 

There are different ways you can reduce your overall water usage. Cutting down on how often you wash your hair is a great way to minimize water usage and is one way you can have healthier hair. You can also use a low-flow showerhead which will help provide the same water pressure you want but with just the right amount of water you need.

There are also low-flow toilets that can reduce water usage while still being efficient at their intended tasks.

Heat water more efficiently

Aside from the lighting in the bathroom, you also use energy when you heat water. Heating requires a lot of energy, so by focusing on heating water more efficiently, you can also cut back on your household energy usage by a lot.

With that said, there are many ways you can heat water more efficiently in your bathroom. You can heat water more efficiently by getting a tankless water heater that will only run when you open any hot water faucet. It saves you a lot more energy than the standard tank water heaters.

Ditch those plastic bottles

Your toiletries usually come in single-use plastic bottles. That means that you can’t reuse them. Instead of continuing to use those plastic bottles, try and look for greener alternatives.

For example, nowadays, there are shampoo and conditioner bars that look like a bar of soap, except they’re shampoo and conditioner. You can also support brands that would refill your old bottles for a lower price, which is a service that many shops use nowadays.

If you have specific hair concerns that you can’t get from any other brand, though, opt to purchase that item in bulk or larger quantities instead. That way, you can reduce the impact as much as possible.

Switch to all-natural cleaners

You can also have a more eco-friendly bathroom by changing the cleaning solutions and products that you use there.

We often use harsh chemicals to clean our bathrooms, which are harmful to us and the environment. Instead of using those, you can opt for the greener alternatives that work just as well but use less harmful and natural ingredients.

If you have children or pets, using all-natural cleaners can be the safer option. Doing so ensures that your home is free from any toxic ingredients that can cause a reaction to you and your family members.

Some people even opt to make homemade cleaners made from household products like baking soda and vinegar. If that’s something that interests you, then consider making cleaning products at home. Be careful and test the cleaning solution first so that it doesn’t end up damaging your bathroom instead.

Replace your shower curtain

Those cheap vinyl shower curtains you find almost anywhere are often made from harmful materials. These materials release detrimental fumes throughout their lifetime.

Instead of using those, look for shower curtains that state non-PVC so you have a green shower curtain. Better yet, install a shower screen instead. Those will last longer, are easier to clean, and they’re eco-friendly.

Of course, they’re more expensive than a shower curtain, but you won’t have to replace them any time soon anyway.

Incorporate sustainable furnishings

Sustainable furnishings in the bathroom are also a great way to incorporate greener elements. Using fixtures made from recycled materials helps reduce your carbon footprint.

Recycled glass and ceramic, for example, are long-lasting and aren’t as wasteful to use in your bathroom. Bamboo is another example of an excellent material that is sustainable and attractive in your bathroom.

These changes should be able to help you spruce up your bathroom without adding damage to the planet. This should also encourage you to continue doing the switch for the environment.

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