The Many Ways We Waste Water At Home

Few things feel as good as spending some time under a hot shower.

Unfortunately, showering for as long as we like is one of the top ways we use—and waste—water at home.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), an average family uses close to 40 gallons per day for showers. That translates to 1.2 trillion gallons of water used by Americans annually just for showering, a staggering figure by any standard.

Sadly, water wastage at home doesn’t just happen when we take a shower.

Many people have this habit of letting the water run when brushing their teeth or shaving when they could easily turn the faucet off to conserve water.

Others overfill their bathtubs when they could simply fill them with the right amount of water for their bathing needs.

We also waste water when we run dishwashers and washing machines for less than full loads. Keep in mind that both appliances use the same amount of water whether you’re washing a full load or a single plate, or a pair of shorts.

However, the worst way we’re wasting water at home is something that happens without our knowledge.

The EPA says household plumbing leaks waste one trillion gallons of water every year.

If you think you’re wasting water this way, you need to do some leak detection work to stem the bleeding. Check out the infographic below to know the signs that you have a plumbing leak at home.

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