Guest Post - Making Your Rental Apartment Feel Like Home With These Tips

Renting an apartment is exciting, but it comes with drawbacks. Because you don’t own your apartment, it can’t give you the same feeling of home as a house can. Luckily, there are ways to solve this issue. You can easily make your apartment feel like home with a few tips. Here’s how. 

Clear Clutter

If you’ve recently had to downsize and don’t have enough space for all your stuff, consider storing it in a storage container nearby. For example, if you have a few too many sofas and don’t feel like staying in your apartment for long, you can put your additional furniture in storage so it doesn’t take up space. When you eventually move to a larger home, you can get your couch out of storage and not have to go shopping for a new one. 

Get Plants

Plants liven up any space, which is why many people have small plants in their offices. Not only do flowers and plants look good, but they help clean the air and remove toxins. Plants are most common in living rooms, but you don’t have to limit yourself. Many plants thrive in humidity, so you can even find an adorable plant for your bathroom. 

Any plant will look good with a simple pot, but you can add a pop of color to your home by buying a pot with different styles and textures. 

Consider Your Textiles

Textiles are the easiest way to make a space feel like yours. By putting cushions and throws in the living space, you can make the vibe of your apartment more comfortable and homey. Cushions and blankets are another great way to add color to your space so you can add a dash of your personality to your new home. 

Hang Art

Most apartment management companies will not allow you to put holes in your walls. If you do put holes in the walls, you can expect to forfeit some of your security deposit when you move out. Luckily, you can still decorate your walls without damaging them. Grab your favorite wall art and a few command strips. Command strips are designed to not damage paint or wallpaper so you can hang almost anything in your apartment without adding holes.

Command strips are available in a variety of sizes and different weights they can hold. If you have a heavy picture frame, consider getting a more heavy-duty command strip. 

Add Your Own Lighting

Your apartment will already be fitted with some lighting, especially in the bathroom and kitchen. When it comes to your living room and bedroom, you’ll need to bring in your lamps. Consider adding a variety of lamps around your apartment, including floor lamps, table lamps, and even lighting. 

You can even embrace the natural lighting in your home by strategically placing mirrors across from windows to brighten any room without using electricity. If you want to embrace smart technology, consider setting your lights on a timer or get a lamp you can turn on with an app so you’re never walking into a dark apartment again. 


Small touches turn a bland apartment into your home. Instead of throwing books wherever you have room, try putting up a bookcase in your bedroom, living room, or second bedroom. You can also add soft furnishings around the apartment, such as rugs, to make it even more inviting. 

Find Better Storage

Most apartments aren’t equipped with tons of storage solutions, which can lead to clutter. Instead of throwing your clothes in a small closet, visit your local hardware store and look for storage containers you can put under the bed or in the closet. 

Use Curtains

If your apartment manager doesn’t allow you to take your blinds down, consider putting curtains over them so your home will look like yours from the inside. Adding curtains also block out light so you can get better sleep, which can help if you live in a city that never sleeps. 

You can choose curtains based on your preferences and needs. For example, thick curtains can help insulate your apartment and keep your electricity bill down in the winter so you can stay warm without turning up the thermostat. 

Try Modular Furniture

Bulky furniture will dominate your living room and make it feel cramped. Instead of chunky furniture, consider getting modular furniture you can move around and adjust based on your space. For example, instead of buying one large table, consider getting three smaller tables. You can store anything you don’t have space for. 

Paint the Walls

If your lease agreement allows you to paint the walls, consider painting one wall a different color from the rest to make it a feature of your home. If you can’t paint the walls, you can purchase peel-and-stick wallpaper that won’t damage paint so you can still avoid boring white walls that make you feel trapped. 


By adding texture to your apartment, you can make it feel more comfortable and warm. For example, purchase throws with different materials and textures. Your blankets will also give you options to keep you warm during the winter months. 

For flooring, try to put different rugs around your home. Apartment carpet is not known to be the softest, most plush, but you can make your feet a little bit more comfortable by adding a fluffy rug around your bed and furniture. 

Get a Pet

If you’re allowed to have pets, get a dog or cat to make your apartment feel like home. If you don’t have a roommate or someone to live with, having a pet can give you something to come home to that makes you happy. After all, there’s nothing better than seeing a wagging tail when you walk through the door. 

Making Your Apartment Feel Like Home

Your apartment may not be as large or as pretty as you want it to be, but there are changes you can make to have your space healthier, larger, brighter, and homier. Consider how you want your home to look and make it happen. You don’t have to be an interior designer to design your apartment like a pro. 

Marné Amoguis

Marné Amoguis holds a B.A. in International Business from UC San Diego. She is a contributing writer at where she loves sharing her passion for digital marketing. Outside of writing, she loves traveling, playing music, and hiking.

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