Guest Post - Selling Your House? Look to Install These Home Features

If you’re preparing to sell your home and want the highest return on investment (ROI) when it comes to home features, check out this recent home features survey from Angi. Angi surveyed more than 1,5000 Americans and their results might surprise you.

Continue reading to see which home features Americans want most in 2021.

Large Kitchens Are a Must Have

Americans desire large kitchens. When asked, “which living space do you value the most?” 34% of Americans responded that they value a large kitchen most. So, when remodeling your home, consider updating the kitchen first.

One reason for the popularity of kitchens is that during the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans cooked more. According to a Hunter PR survey, 41% of Americans baked more during the pandemic in 2020, and 51% cooked more. Of the 51% who planned to cook more, 71% planned to continue cooking more post-pandemic. 

It’s worth noting that women value a large kitchen more than men. Only 27% of men stated they value a large kitchen most, while the rate of women who felt the same way almost doubled men with a rate of 44%. 

Yet, it’s worth noting that both sexes agree on the need for an outdoor space, which came in second as the most valuable space at 27%.

Below are the other most valued living spaces and how the two sexes agree and differ:

Which Luxury Items Americans Value Most

It’s well known that Americans are known for being materialistic. That want and need for luxury items apply to homes as well. When discerning which luxury features Americans value most this is what Angi found. 

Updated appliances closely beat out hardwood floors for the most valued luxury items. 30% of Americans value updated appliances most while 28% value hardwood floors the most. For the most part, men and women agreed on these luxury home features.

31% of women listed updated appliances as their most valued home feature. Similarly, 30% of men said the same thing. The agreement extends to hardwood floors. 27% of men and 28% of women listed hardwood floors as their most cherished luxury home feature.

Disagreement occurs when looking at walk-in closets, which came in third for most appreciated luxury home feature at 1/5  Americans. Looking closer at that 20% of Americans who value a walk-in closet most, women nearly doubled men — 24% of women and 16% of men listed walk-in closets to be their most valued home feature. 

So, if you’re renovating your home for the future, first consider what you want first. Perhaps these survey results will influence or help you decide which living space to make a priority or which luxury feature to go with. 

If you’re selling your home, then take these survey results to heart since some will likely have a higher ROI. As always, consult with your real estate agent first, and hire a home organizer to help declutter spaces before renovating.

Author Bio:

Chi Whitley is content marketing creator based out of Austin, TX. He writes for both B2C and B2B clients. When he’s not brainstorming ideas, writing content, or editing articles, you can find Chi hiking or tossing a frisbee with this dog, Augie. 

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