How to Clean and Organize Your Home


Keeping your house clean and tidy can be overwhelming and challenging at times. That is why taking things step by step can help you maintain your house and keep it organized. These are some tips and tricks that will help you out. 

Start by Making the Bed

The simplest way to get into the cleaning zone is to start by doing an easy task first. Once you wake up, try to turn making your bed into a number one priority. Firstly, this will get you to get out of bed and start the day productively from the moment you wake up. Also, it will motivate you to keep going. 

To make this task as easy as possible, try to simplify your bedding. For instance you can cut out the top sheets and just use a duvet and a cover. If that’s the part you’re not willing to cut off, then you can try minimizing the number of pillows on your bed. Having to move around way too many pillows will end up turning your task of making the bed into a complete nightmare. 



The next thing you can do is to declutter your house. Keeping things tidy and organized is also about being smart about how you use the storage space around you. You can start by putting away the things that are in the way. Take care of the trash lying around and the move on to the things that are misplaced and things that weren’t put back into the place they belong. 

Another great trick for decluttering is to go through you wardrobe and get rid of the clothes you are no longer wearing. You can donate the clothes to charity or gift it to someone who wants them. This is a great way to make some room for new clothes and make your wardrobe look more organized. 

Do One Load of Laundry per Day

We all know how fast the laundry can pile up and then you end up having to take a whole day off just to wash all of the clothes. On top of that, if you have kids, it takes even less time for the laundry to pile up.

So, to avoid ending stuck in a mess and a pile full of clothes in the bathroom, you can do one load of laundry per day. Try to take it step by step. One day you can wash the underwear. Then on the second day, you can take care of the black clothes. After that, you can wash the colored clothes and then lastly you can take care of the bedding. This is just one example of how you can spread this task into multiple smaller tasks. 

Do a 15 Minute Nightly Clean-up

Try to develop a new habit of doing a quick 15-minute clean-up every night. You can get the whole family to help you out. Once you start doing these quick clean-ups, you’ll realize that it’s not so much of a tough job after all. 

The goal is to stick to some of the top priority cleaning tasks. Don’t overdo it. Just take 15 minutes to do some light cleaning. For example, the kids can declutter their toys in the rooms. You can wash the dishes and put away the trash, and your partner can put away the laundry that was washed that day. This way, you are ensuring that the house is clean at all times and you don’t end up with a pile of dirt, mess, clothes and dishes lying around at the end of each week. 

Keep your Basic Cleaning Supplies Close to Where You Use Them

This trick can save you a lot of time and it is especially useful for the above mentioned 15-minute nightly clean-ups. If you want to efficiently and quickly finish a cleaning task, try keeping some of the basic cleaning supplies where you can easily access them. This means keeping the supplies next to the space you are going to use them in. So for example, the cleaning supplies for the bathroom can go to a small drawer in the bathroom. The kitchen cleaning supplies can be under the kitchen sink. 

Deep Clean your Carpets

Maintaining the carpets in the house is not an easy job. However, every once in a while you have to make yourself get over with this task. Carpets can soak up a lot of dirt, fine dust, and even germs that you can transfer with your shoes. On top of that, the kids can also spill food and crumbs all over the floor that you don’t even notice if it gets stuck in the carpet. So, deep cleaning the carpet at least once in a couple of months can be useful. You can also look for professional house cleaning services to help you with more complex tasks. They can always help you get the job done efficiently and professionally. Soon, you’ll see how a cleaned carpet can change the appearance of the entire room. 

Clean as You Go


Lastly, this one goes without saying but it can help a lot of people who struggle with staying organized clean their home. When you are cleaning the house, try to clean as you go. For example, you can start from the bedroom and then once you are completely finished with that room move on to your kids’ bedroom, then living room, then kitchen, and so on. Start in one direction and do things in that order. You will be less likely to forget something and get distracted by other cleaning tasks. This is a habit that can be developed and practiced over time. 


In conclusion, if you want to keep your house clean at all times, separate bigger tasks into smaller ones, follow an order, do little by little every day, start with easier tasks, and keep the supplies in the place where they are easily accessed for when you need them. 

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