Mistakes To Avoid When Doing the Laundry

Mistakes To Avoid When Doing the Laundry

Doing the laundry is one of the most mundane household chores that everyone must perform. It’s understandable why so many people empty the hamper into the washing machine and try to wash everything they own in one load. While this method might save some time, it’ll also likely damage your clothes and ineffectively clean them. Learning the mistakes to avoid when doing the laundry will keep your linens in pristine condition.

Follow Detergent Recommendations

With the invention of pods, it feels like throwing one pod in the washing machine is sufficient. Unfortunately, the odds are that your laundry loads need much more detergent than you’re using. More oversized loads may require you to use extra pods or fill one more cup of liquid detergent to clean everything efficiently. If you don’t use the correct amount of detergent, your clothes will not be as clean. This is why reading the detergent instructions is vital to attain the best wash.

Only Use Hot Water for Specific Situations

It’s easy to assume mixing soap with hot water is the ideal way to clean your laundry. However, using hot water on certain types of fabrics causes more harm than good. Any item predominantly made with cotton needs cold water, or else it may shrink or develop fiber damage. Take note of this to keep clothing and bedding looking new. The best uses for hot water when washing items is to disinfect things, remove germs, and get rid of deep stains. Otherwise, using cold water is the way to go, especially since it takes up less energy.

Properly Separate Your Items

When you separate your laundry, you often think of sorting the darks and the whites. While that’s one tip you should follow, it’s also critical to sort things by the material. It’s an excellent strategy to do all delicate items, towels, or bedding separately rather than mix everything. Doing this allows you to choose the most appropriate water temperature and detergent.

Perform Damage Control

Typically, most people care what the outside of their clothing looks like more than the inside, so it’s probable they throw their items in without turning them inside out. Unfortunately, failing to do this leaves things like dead skin cells and sweat in your garments. The inside-out technique also protects your clothes from rubbing against things like zippers or buttons. These parts can hurt other clothing articles that are in the wash with them.

Use Enhancements

Incorporating fabric softener and dryer sheets into the routine is like adding whipped cream on hot chocolate; it just makes everything better. Not only do fabric softeners make everything feel soft and cozy, but they also prevent potential damage to the fabric. On the other hand, dryer sheets help keep the static electricity down during the dry winter months.

Knowing the mistakes to avoid when doing the laundry will aid you in making your laundry smell and feel great while simultaneously improving its durability for years to come.


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