4 Areas in Your Kitchen Where You Can Add Some Extra Storage Space


You probably spend time in your kitchen everyday cooking and cleaning up after meals. In addition to storing food, cookware, and small appliances in that room, you might also have pet food, cleaning supplies, and other odds and ends. If your kitchen is starting to feel cramped and overflowing with a need for more storage space, the following suggestions may help.


Clear out your kitchen drawers that are packed with odds and ends like keys, paper clips, old grocery lists, and flashlights. Find a more relevant place for items that don't belong to free up space for kitchenware. Buy inexpensive drawer organizers for silverware and dishcloths to keep everything in its place and easy to find when needed. You can get color-coded separators in various configurations based on your preference.


Try vertical shelves in addition to horizontal shelving to add more storage area to your cupboards. Slender plates or serving dishes can be stored in either type of shelf to allow room for other dishes as well. Some shelves might accommodate being separated into another level or two for smaller dishes and pans. If your cupboards have open space on top, artfully arrange your less commonly used cookware or serving dishes as visual décor until you need to use them.


Pantries always seem to be stocked with long-expired food cans and packages along with items that don't take up much space. Add more shelves to use the open areas. You could also install wall mounts for larger packages of dry goods and canned items. Add a door hanger with wire or wooden shelves as additional storage space to separate cleaning items, for example, or foods that are more often used.

Above the Countertop

In addition to storing certain foods on top of the countertops, like dred goods canisters or packets of coffee or tea, consider installing storage shelves below your upper cabinets above the countertops or use racks that sit on infrequently used areas of your counters. Many people install their microwave ovens below the cupboards but above the cooking range or countertops.

Kitchen Remodeling Options

When you remodel or update your kitchen, remember to include plans for expanding your storage areas. You can never have too much storage in a kitchen, as it is a main living area and food preparation center of the home. Every kitchen remodeling project should build in extra storage shelving to efficiently utilize available space without creating a crowded effect.

As you look around your kitchen, you will likely find areas that can be neatly arranged to provide more storage space for necessary supplies and dishes. Take advantage of them to help keep your kitchen from becoming cluttered and unwelcoming.

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