5 Tips To Disinfect All The Nasty Germs In Your Carpet


A beautiful summer afternoon of binging your favorite series or warm winter nights of wine and Gouda on the sides, carpet is the solace that completes a picture of a beautiful home. Indeed the hardwood floor gives a classy look to the living room, yet nothing feels more homely than a soft-squashy carpet. Whether it is a comfortable or stylish look, people always loved having soft flooring in their homes.

Indeed carpets are the symbol of coziness; however, this feeling should only be limited for you, especially not for the nasty germs. If not taken care of properly, carpets become a breeding ground for many microbes. They already are dust magnets that hold on to many atrocious things like fungus, bacteria, dead skin, and even pollen. But with ignorance, things could get a lot worse.

All those things not just spoil your beautiful carpet but can give you some severe infection. You have to take good care of your home carpet to avoid these gate-crashing guests. So, here are five tips to disinfecting all nasty germs in your carpet.

1. Vacuum Cleaning


This is one of the best ways to keep the carpet from getting dusty. To prevent bacteria and fungi’s growth in your carpet, you should vacuum the carpet at least twice a week. Vacuuming removes all the visible and invisible dirt from the carpet. Vacuuming makes the carpet dust-free and removes all those dead skin cell particles, which can be a habitat of disease-causing bacteria.

2. Using Professional Services

As a home maintainer, you also deserve a break. Yet sometimes, household responsibilities make it hard to catch even a breath. That is why you should consider getting professional help every once in a while.

Although you can be a cleaning-pro, your carpet needs professional care. Besides, it can be your day-off from all the chores when you just summon the professional cleaning-masters like Woodard Cleaning & Restoration and let them do their magic. They have specialized tools like steam cleaners that deeply cleanse all the carpets of your house and are equipped with environment-friendly cleaning tools that can destroy the pathogens to maintain your carpet for a long time.

3. Using Strong Carpet Cleansers

If you decide on cleaning your carpet on your own, select a cleaner containing enzymes and surfactants. Such cleansers simplify your job as they wipe away the dirt and germs effectively. You must choose the cleaner having disinfectant approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Such cleaners come with a registration number, which you can find in the product ingredients.

4. Using Anti-Fungal Sprays 


Mold is the toughest one. Carpets soak moisture like anything, and eventually, they become a paradise for fungus and mold. The spilled food and drinks provide them the source of nutrition, and within a few days, they cover a large part of your flooring. Many times, they do not leave stains or odors but just keep destroying your carpet slowly.

Molds multiply, so you must regularly check areas like corners and below the carpet for their signs. The damage can happen more rapidly when you are living in hot and humid climatic zones. You can use anti-fungal sprays to prevent the growth of fungus and mildews on your carpet. However, it is ideal to take professional help when the damage is too much to handle at home.

5. Adopting No-Shoes Policy at Home


Everyone knows that shoes bring all kinds of stuff stuck to them. From animal feces to mud and litter, just a stroll outside, and you can get the essence of all dirty things outside of your home. Now, with the flooring like marble or hard-wood, you can clean it with the mop. However, when it comes to carpet, things get complicated.

Whatever stuck to your shoes gets transferred on the fibers of your carpet and starts decaying there. It leaves tough stains and generates an unbearable odor if you fail to clean them on time. If you have children at your home, things can get messier. The germs breeding on the carpet can cause infection. You can avoid all these troubles by simply keeping shoes outside.

Final Thoughts  

The Coronavirus pandemic has made us aware of how exposed we are to germ attacks. From the air we breathe to the food we eat, microorganisms are omnipresent. Indeed not all of them are bad, but many of them can cause serious infections. Therefore, taking proper precautions is one of the wisest options. The carpets that seem alright on the surface can be a hoarding house of many harmful bacteria and viruses. Whether these are dangerous strains of bacteria like MRSA or allergy-causing pollen, the carpet at your house must be properly cleaned time-to-time. You can use the above tips to keep the rug from germ infestation, and do not think twice before booking an appointment at professional cleaners.

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