How Much Internet Does My Smart Home Need?
Some of the trickiest things to keep organized at home are utilities. Gas, electric, and hot water are difficult enough, but in our ever-connected world most people now also consider things like cell phone service, WiFi, and cable to be essential utilities as well.
Since utilities can feel like an unmanageable mess no matter what you do, it’s easy to understand why so many people overpay for WiFi. Sometimes it’s easier to just throw money at a problem than it is to sit down and figure it out! But if you’re harboring a sneaking suspicion that you don’t need as much internet as you pay for, that’s a problem you can solve more simply than you might think.
Check out this easy-to-use checklist of internet-capable devices you may have in your home. All you have to do is plug in the items you own, multiply by the bandwidths provided, and voila! In a matter of minutes you can figure out exactly how much internet you need.
If you’re still unsure, read through the rest of this guide to learn what equipment you need, the difference between download and upload speeds, and whether your calculation should differ if you work remotely or do other internet-intensive activities at home.