How to Assemble a Home Preparedness Binder 

It’s always been important to make sure you and your family are prepared for unexpected events and emergencies. Never has that been truer than in 2020. The pandemic, wildfires, hurricanes and other disasters have created a unique sense of urgency reminding us how important disaster preparation really is.  

A great way to prepare for just about any emergency is to create a home preparedness binder. Exactly as it sounds, this is a binder with important emergency contacts, the addresses of where you and your family would meet up if you got lost and copies of important documents.


The team at Hippo created a home preparedness binder PDF that guides you through exactly what you should put in your binder. Additionally, there’s a floor plan grid for you to draw out different rooms in your home as well as evacuation routes and important safety information (for example, where the fire extinguishers, first aid kits, carbon monoxide detectors and gas and electricity shut off valves are). 

This is a fun and educational opportunity for you to assign your kids different floors or rooms of your home and have them draw out the safety information. 


If you want to prepare your home and family for specific disasters, explore the team’s checklists for what you should do before a fire, hurricane or earthquake — as well as what you should have on hand for an emergency kit. Attach these checklists to your refrigerator so that everyone can see them on a regular basis. 

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