Guest Post - The Benefits of a Clean Home While Sheltering in Place


With the COVID-19 coronavirus sweeping the nation as well as the globe, millions of individuals have resorted to working from home and sheltering in place. Whether you are working from home voluntarily or staying at home due to an order from your local government, it is imperative to shelter in place in a clean and safe environment. A clean home provides more benefits than simply looking good. A clean home and environment can help with improving health conditions such as asthma, improving grades, and even boosting your mood, which is essential when you are stuck at home during a quarantine or lockdown period.


Cleaning your home while sheltering in place is a great way to achieve mental clarity. Not only will cleaning your home help you to remain productive and in action without allowing clutter to pile up, but it can help to de-stress.

Simply relaxing in a clean and clutter-free environment can help to keep your mind clear and free from worries or unnecessary stressors. Additionally, a clean house can also help you to achieve better rest and sleep throughout the night, ultimately providing a better quality of life.

Journal and log your experiences as well as your diet, mood, and stressors each day while you are sheltering in place. Having a journal handy can help you to better reflect on your own feelings as well as various issues that you may need to address to maintain mental clarity and emotional wellbeing, especially if you are in lockdown for an extended period of time. Individuals who do not tend to their mental and emotional wellbeing while being isolated for weeks, or even months, have a much greater risk of experiencing increased irritability, anxiety, and major depressive disorder symptoms.


If you are feeling down or increasingly anxious due to the coronavirus COVID-19 lockdown mandates, cleaning can help to boost your mood and free your mind. A cluttered home or dirty surroundings have been known to be associated with depression, anxiety, and other mood imbalances. When you are feeling lost, alone, confused, or stressed, you are less likely to feel the urge or need to clean your home.

However, making a concerted effort to take the time to clean your home can help to boost and improve your mood significantly. Even if you feel as if cleaning your entire home in one day is too much or quickly becomes overwhelming, you can take small steps to accomplish your goals. Simply set aside 10 to 15 minutes of your day to declutter a specific space in your home. Cleaning your home little by little will still result in a clutter-free environment without causing you to feel too burdened or overwhelmed by the prospect of conducting a full spring cleaning in one afternoon.

Additionally, a clean home can also help to improve relationships with your friends and family members, as you are more likely to invite them over or spend time with them in a pleasant and clutter-free environment. Clutter and mess can quickly cause a mood to go south, which is why it is important to ask all family members to participate in keeping their surroundings clean and clear from piles of dishes, trash, and other unnecessary belongings.


Although you may be staying at home much more often during lockdowns and while sheltering in place, remaining physically fit is just as important as taking care of your mental and emotional health.

Because of the added free time you have available by staying at home and social distancing, you can learn more about nutrition and healthy eating. Avoid binging and overeating while sheltering in place and instead, opt for exercising at least 30 minutes indoors or by taking a walk or jog.

Cleaning your home is not only a way to get a bit of exercise each day, but it can also provide you with clean breathing. As dust, dirt, and debris build throughout the rooms, vents, and filters in your home, your overall indoor air quality will dip. Clean surroundings can help with increasing oxygen intake while also reducing allergens throughout the home.

Take the time to wipe and sanitize countertops, tables, and various surfaces throughout your home. Sanitization is also key to maintaining clean surroundings and remaining healthy while you are sheltering in place. Proper sanitation can also help to fight various infections and bacteria, including coronaviruses such as COVID-19.

Understanding the benefits of a clean home while sheltering in place can help you to create a working plan of action to remain mentally, emotionally, and physically fit throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether you are working from home more frequently or if you are simply required to shelter in place due to a local mandate, having a clean home can help to make your experience much healthier and more manageable.

Author Bio:

Victoria Johnson is a Public Relations Specialist with Duraclean By Maidover. Victoria wwrites articles on residential cleaning and home care. 

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