Set Up Indoor Driving Range: Turn Your Home Into Golf Course


We all know the importance of practice when it comes to mastering things.

This is never as true as when it comes to golf. If you want to become better at golf there really is only one way to go; practice your game as much as possible.

The importance of practice here cannot be understated!

When you play a round of golf it is all the little things that count so much towards a better score.

You can have a great drive on you. Hit it straight into the fairway followed by a perfect hit with a 6 iron placing the golf ball 30 yards from the green setting it up perfectly for a nice chip!

But the problem is that you have only focused on the long-game and your short-game suffers.

Instead of taking an easy chip and a put (or two) you take six extra shots instead of one or two.

If you want to become good at golf you have to practice all aspects of the game, not just one.

Practice takes time and effort and going daily to the driving range or the nearest golf course to practice every day is not ideal for most average that has work and family to attend to.

Not to mention the off-season where we make the promise year after year to practice and keep our end of season form going over the winter but we never do.

The solution to this is quite simple.

Set up your indoor driving range

Golf tools and equipment for setting up a professional practice facility at your home have become more affordable as the various producers compete for the most affordable and quality equipment on the market.

Our job at is to find golf equipment and tell you how it performs.

What do you need for an indoor driving range?

  • Space

Make sure you have the required space to swing a golf club; either in your house, garage, garden, or wherever you think will be suitable for setting up the training facility.

Generally speaking, to swing a golf club requires about 9 feet of ceiling space and about 20 feet’ hitting space or whatever distance you think is suitable for the golf ball to travel.

  • Golf clubs and golf balls

You will of course need to have your golf clubs up and ready to use with your facility

  • Golf nets

You will want to buy a great golf net to catch the ball and stop it from bouncing all around the place.

There is a wide selection of golf nets available. What you are looking for is a golf net that has the quality material that matches how you are going to use it. You can read more about how to choose golf nets right here.

  • Golf- and Putting Mats

Once you have set up your golf net and measured the required space you might want/need a platform to hit the golf ball from. 

The best way to do this is to get a golf mat with the golf net. Golf mats are not nor really expensive but add an extra dimension to your home golf facility.

  • Swing Trainer

I will add this one as an extra that is not needed but might help those that are new to golf out.

Golf swing trainer is a small device that you hook on your arm and golf club that keeps your hand in the right pose. 

This makes sure your swing is correct and is very simple to use while being very effective.

  • Golf Simulators

For those that want to take the extra distance, a golf simulator can transform a simple training ground into a full-blown golf simulator studio.

Golf simulators offer the benefit of playing in any weather condition since the setup is completely indoors. You can play to your heart’s desire even during the off-season. Unlike swinging through a net, golf simulators allow you to visualize your shot. You will be able to check if it’s a miss or not.

If you have a golf simulator studio at home, your games will run significantly shorter. You can move from one hole to the other with ease. Simulators also allow you to play in different courses like the one in PGA National or Pebble Beach.

Golf simulators come in various sizes and kinds but for a price of around 600$ you can get a golf simulator that will analyze your golf and give your accurate feedback on your game and tell you what you are doing wrong or right.

Golf simulators have now become smaller, better, and more affordable than ever.

They are a great way to practice your golf at home and you will get feedback on some aspects of your game, depending on the simulator.

They are also fun to have at home to enjoy with friends and family.

If you live somewhere cold with a long-closed season a golf simulator can really keep you in shape so when the season starts again you will be able to play and enjoy great golf right from the start.

Just keep in mind that using a golf simulator using real clubs requires space to do so.

There are so many people that buy a golf simulator, set it up in their home, and then realize that they can’t play because the ceiling height is insufficient.

Typically, the average person will need 9-feet/2, 6 meters or higher to swing a golf club but you should not rely on what the manual or a review says, you should try it for yourself.

Find the place you would set the simulator up and grab a golf club and swing it away.

If you feel comfortable setting up a golf simulator there and that you can swing without hitting the ceiling or walls then that indicates you can use that space.

You should also be aware that some golf simulators allow for the use of real golf balls which will also need space.

Golf net of some sort will be a need and the required space to set it up and a golf mat is also needed.  How much depends on the golf net type.


Having your home practice facility has therefore never been more important to your game than right now. It has also never been as easy as it is today.

But, big congratulations, finally you turned your home into a practice setup.

Now, you never need to worry about pandemic or hustle in traffic to enjoy your favorite game. However, do remember your project is not yet done.

You can improve it further, but this is one of the ongoing projects which doesn't have an end, and it won't be completed any time soon as long as you keep playing and spending more time in practice.

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