Benefits of Intentional Landscaping


Your yard and landscaping are the first things people see when they come to your home. Its the very first impression – and you want it to be a good one. 

Even more than that, it’s essential that your yard helps you feel calm, happy, and peaceful, while also providing you with the space to enjoy your daily life. How do you accomplish that? By taking advantage of intentional landscaping.

Discover how intentional landscaping can give you the yard you’ve always dreamed of below.

What is Intentional Landscaping?

Many people don’t give much thought to their yard. Perhaps they have one area where they planted the azalea that Aunt Margo dropped off as a housewarming present or another section where they have some snapdragons. A homeowner may mulch around the tree out front, but not give much thought to anything else.

This haphazard type of landscaping doesn’t bring a sense of harmony or peace. It’s broken up, and there’s no real plan to the yard. If you want to plant a garden or build a deck, you’ll like have to start from scratch.

Intentional landscaping is different. You take the time to think through your goals and how you can set up your property to make them happen. Whether it’s reducing the amount of energy you need to cool and heat your home, gardening, backyard volleyball, or a fruit orchard, you make a plan and landscape in a way that meets that plan.

Intentional landscaping can also help you feel more peaceful at home. Just like a messy, disorganized home brings stress, an unplanned yard does the same thing. It’s more work to care for, and there’s no real purpose. On the other hand, when you make a plan and execute it, your yard brings you the calm you crave.

Planting Trees for Energy Conservation

If you’re tired of paying too much for energy bills, you may want to work some shade trees into your landscaping plan. These trees are not only beautiful, but they also save you money and reduce the environmental impact of your home.

The key to planting trees is to do it wisely. You’ll have to think ahead many years – where will the roots end up? Will the tree become a threat to the home? Will it impact the foundation? You’ll also need to think about possible conflicts with power lines and other plants in your yard.

You also need to choose the right kind of tree. Deciduous trees offer shade in the summer, and evergreens can slow cold wins in winter. Both will also cool the summer air near your home. 

Finally, plan carefully for location. Think about whether you’re prioritizing shade or wind protection. Consider where the sun comes from compared to your home. Avoid planting trees to the south, as it will not provide shade in summer and block the sun in winter.

Space to Do What You Love

Your home is your sanctuary, and it should provide the space and resources to eat, sleep, play, and enjoy life. Your yard is a big part of that – and when you’re intentional with your landscaping, you’ll have plenty of space to do what you enjoy.

Think through your goals and priorities. Do you have pets or children that need big open spaces to play? Have you always wanted a deck to grill on and enjoy the sun? Making your outdoor living space your own is the pinnacle of intentional landscaping. 

Whether you want an oasis to escape the world or a place to entertain, the right planning can make it a reality. Start with decluttering your yard from old toys, broken items, branches, and other waste. From there, create the playground, deck, or water feature of your dreams.

From entertaining friends regularly to playing tag with the kids, your yard should be exactly what you want it to be. When you are intentional in your outdoor choices, it will be!

Enjoy Intentional Landscaping

Intentional living is more than just a buzzword. It’s a way of life that involves thinking deeply about what’s truly important in your life and then taking steps to make it a reality. 

Everyone’s dreams are different, and there’s nothing wrong with what you want for your outdoor space, whether it’s a huge playground, a private oasis, or a giant vegetable garden. The key is to be clear on your own priorities and set plans in motion to make them happen.

Enjoy your outdoor space!

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