Organizing your Nightstand
These days there is so much that is out of our control. Not being in control can be frustrating. Organizing takes time which is hard to find with everyone home 24/7. One area that is quick to organize is your nightstand. Here are some tips from House to Home Organizing to help you through:
Take a before photo.
Totally empty the entire unit.
Sort the contents into categories. For example, electronics, (cords, kindle, TV remotes to name a few) medications, keepsake items, photographs, makeup, reading glasses, notepads, jewelry, pens/pencils and books are some of the categories you may find.
Donate or Toss what you don’t use. Is the makeup very old and dried up? Are the medications current or expired? Are there numerous books or magazines you started but don’t plan to finish? Can the photographs be stored with keepsake items in a more remote place? Do you need twenty pens or is three enough? Are all the remotes current or do you have some from old TV’s? Are all the reading glasses the correct strength? You get the picture, time to discard what is taking up space and will never be used.
Clean the nightstand. Now that everything is out, time to wipe it down and clean it out.
Purge the non-essentials and visualize what you really want in the nightstand. What do you use regularly and needs to be kept within easy reach? Keep what you truly need before bedtime and when you wake up.
Drawer organization. Now that you know what you are keeping there are many ways to organize the drawer more effectively. Stores such as Amazon, The Container Store,
Bed Bath and Beyond, and Target have many drawer organizers in a variety of materials to help you keep the drawer neat and tidy. Remember to measure before you purchase anything to make sure it will fit to the drawer specifications.
Try to keep the top of the nightstand clutter free. What do you really need on the top? A small clock? Tissues? One pair of glasses? A small lamp? Maybe a hand lotion? Everything else should be in the drawer or underneath.
You’re done! Stand back and take an after photo so you can feel good about your work and your clutter free nightstand.