Guest Post - Family Tips What to do Before Moving Together


Moving together is a common phenomenon in the modern environment. This is motivated by the benefits that come from moving in together. For instance, this eradicates the need to travel and check on your loved one. It also reduces the costs of living in case of sharing of the house expenses between the de facto partners. If you plan to embrace a de facto relationship, then you need to do various things as explained below.

1. Establish the Driving Factors for Moving in Together

In this case, it is crucial to understand the reasons why you consider staying together with your partner. You should then weigh the available options other than moving in before making the final decision. This will help you avoid moving in for the wrong reasons which will lead to the end of your relationship.

2. Talk About Finances and Expenditures

Planning your finances before moving in with your partner is a critical move. Poor planning is the basis of misunderstanding among individuals living together. Initial planning minimizes surprises associated with poor financial planning. Each partner should understand his/her financial roles once you start living together.

Issues like savings should also be discussed before moving together. Depending on your preference, as de facto partners you can decide to save jointly or independently. Financial priorities should further be stated in preparation for moving in together. This will help in future planning depending on the duration and goals of the relationship.

3. Discuss Individual Debts and The Way to Handle them

In different circumstances, people are forced to embrace debt financing. For instance, credit cards and student loans are among the common debts in the modern environment. It is crucial to agree on whether you will contribute to paying for each other’s debts. If this is the case, the order and plan of payment should be established to minimize possible conflicts regarding this issue. Any hidden information about debt issues will not auger well with your partners as it may cause trust issues.

4. Decide on Household Chore Splitting

Gender roles emerge when planning to move together. Different individuals have different perspectives regarding household chores. It is prudent to set the ground rules regarding these chores, when, and who is to handle them. Depending on the plans regarding the relationship you can keep adjusting the ground rules.

5. Plan About Creating a Home you Both Prefer

In cases of a combination of different cultures, the home should be made neutrally to appeal to both cultures. You should discuss the type of décor and the expectations you both have in the home. This will gear you towards positivity in both the short and long-term. At this point, you should share about your past experiences to familiarize each other with the environment that you are conversant with.

6. Open Up About Past Relationships

If you have moved in with your partner in the past but it did not work, you should be honest with your current partner about the same. This will create trust between you which will eventually contribute to a healthy relationship. The past issues are bound to rise in the current situation and it is important to discuss and mitigate them before you move in with your present partner. Discuss and agree on your short and long-term expectations as you live together to ensure that you are on the same page with your partner. This will help to avoid discrepancies caused by the differences held by the partners.

The secret to minimizing conflicts in a relationship where a couple is living together is planning about various issues. Besides, there is a need to prepare for the future in anticipation of the stated targets. Also, it is crucial to study and understand the cultural settings where your partner comes from to enhance easy blending in both the short and long term. In a nutshell, ensure that you understand each other to reduce conflicts and poor communication once you move in.

Author Bio: Delan Cooper is a writer with years of experience in marketing communication. He enjoys meeting new people and reading more books to get inspired for his own book. Connect with him on Twitter.

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