Disaster Preparedness For Your Finances
Getting well and truly organized will make any life obstacle easier to tackle, but this is especially true when disaster strikes. When the threat of danger triggers your adrenaline and you shift into survival mode, you’ll thank your prior self for making sure everything you need is organized, accessible, and ready to go—especially when it comes to your finances.
Over 40 percent of Americans would not be able to cover a $400 expense in an emergency. But financial preparedness is about more than just savings; you may also find yourself in a position where you can’t access your bank, you leave important paperwork behind or you have no record of lost valuables to file an insurance claim. These are expensive problems that can be easily avoided with some advanced organization.
Additionally, there are often financial protections available to victims of natural disasters that require the victim to apply or enroll in order to benefit. Having a list of these options ready will make financial recovery much easier and help you avoid taking on unnecessary debt.
This guide by the team at Annuity.org will guide you through the steps of ensuring you’re financially prepared for any emergency. It also includes essential information about post-disaster recovery, which will be key to getting back on your feet after the fact!