Guest Post - How To Cosy Up Your Home Office For Comfort And Productivity
A home office is both a place where people create, get inspired, and turn that inspiration into a productive day at the office. Just like you’d decorated every inch of your apartment to reflect your personality, provide comfort, and boost your mood, the same should be applied to your home office decor. A touch of cozy mixed with not-so-dull office essentials will set you up on a path to a productive day ahead.
Combine cozy with functional
The fact that you get to work from the comfort of your own home means that you get to choose the essential elements of an office - the chair and the desk. At commercial offices we don’t get to choose anything, we’re just given our assigned space, a previously used chair, and a desk. Working from home is a unique opportunity for you to pick ergonomic furniture that supports you while you work. But, don’t sacrifice comfort over a beautiful design because it will cost you a lot in the long run. Pick a comfortable chair that supports your back and provides comfort. When it comes to choosing the right desk, go for the one that is of suitable height and that has built-in storage.
Use color as a powerful statement
Tweak the space just right by adding a new coat of paint. Even if you’re setting up your home office in one corner of another room, you can use color to beautify your work-zone at set it apart from the rest of the room. Just go for lighter hues as lighter colors are better at reflecting light. In case you feel that darker colors are a better productivity booster, go for those shades that boost the right mindset. You can also color coordinate details like a mouse pad, pen holder, coffee mug, and paper folders to further use color as a powerful statement.
Avoid visual clutter
They say that visual clutter is the enemy of productivity and a major distraction. Avoid unnecessary visual clutter by adding the right storage space into your work zone. If your desk comes with built-in drawers, use them to file away your stuff. Floating shelves can be used to store items and also decorate the room. Clutter can stress you out even more than the amount of work you have to complete by the end of your work hours. Rely on drawers, shelves, storage boxes, and keep everything neat and tidy during and after work.
Decorate with objects that speak to you
Just like you get the chance to pick the chair and desk that fit your style, taste, and provide both comfort and support while you work, you also get to choose your own details. Your work-zone or entirely separate home-office from the rest of your home should be decorated with objects that reveal your personality and put a smile on your face. Things you like to look at like a figure of Captain America, good vibe objects like a picture of you and your dog goofing around or a family portrait deserve their place on your desk or on a shelf. You can also use other decorative elements like art, small sculptures, area rugs, accent or standing lamps to personalize office space, increase the level of comfort and give it a unique vibe.
Find the right spot
The right office setup creates the right ambiance for work while the right spot further boats levels of productivity, efficiency, and commitment. The best spot to work from is near the source of natural light and fresh air. You’ve probably guessed it by know - you shout position your desk in front of a window or near one. Take advantage of the natural source of light as it will boost your energy during the day and also influence the quality of sleep later on. Since you don’t want to block natural light from lighting up your work area, switch from heavy window treatments to soft looking roman blinds. Natural light will liven up your mood when you feel like you need a boost and warm up the entire layout.
Cut the stress by adding the green vibes
You should exploit the positive effects of greenery in every corner of your home. Especially when you decorate your home office, you should include potted plants into your decorating plans. Not only do these improve the air quality, but bet plants also take the stress out of deadlines and hard projects. Just by taking a minute or two to look at the greenery, you reduce the eyestrain and feel a bit better about your work and your day. A palm tree can brighten the entire office, ZZ plant will improve the vibe of your desk while a peace Lilly will beautify the space with its white flowers.
Once you set everything up and like the vibe of your home office, include productivity-boosting scents. Indulge your sense of smell by placing a peppermint-scented candle on your desk to improve your focus and boost your mood during the day.
Author Bio: Mianna Korben is an interior design writer.