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Guest Post - Reasons Why Minimalism is a Better Way of Life

When many people hear the word “minimalism,” they believe it is all about sacrificing things. While it does indeed involve sacrificing things, it is not to make life more uncomfortable. Minimalism actually makes life easier and less stressful. A minimalist lifestyle does not mean living in the forest, using a wood-burning stove or living without electricity. It simply is all about valuing oneself above material things.

Minimalism is not exactly a set of rules to live by; it is more a state of mind. Well-grounded minimalists only have the things they really need and they are able to enjoy life with what they have without worrying about the things they do not have. This can make it easier to get through life without getting stressed unnecessarily. For example, choosing what to wear every day can be quite a chore; and it is not due to a lack of clothes. 

It is usually because we have too many clothes and choosing the “perfect outfit” can be hard. We have seen some of the most successful people stick to the same clothes every day. It is because they believe that they do not have to spend valuable time on deciding what they are going to wear to an event or to the office. They already know what they will wear and over time, this “same-clothes” routine becomes a signature for them. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg springs to mind.

Few people will see the benefits of minimalism when you broach the subject. In fact, they will tell you that they have the right to live however they want and yes, they are right. What they do not know however, is that minimalist living will benefit them in so many ways that they have probably never even thought about.

De-cluttering gives you more living space

Minimalism starts in the home, by getting rid of those things that you are keeping but do not need. Get rid of the clutter from your closets, drawers, basements and garages and you will be freeing up more space in your home. You will have more space to move around and some empty spaces to make your home feel more spacious. There is also no reason to maintain or repair things that you don’t need.

It helps you focus on the more important things.

Imagine worrying all the time about how you are going to pay for all the stuff you want and how to maintain the things you already have. Too many material things can make you worry about where to put what, what to do with them or how to pay for them. Reducing all these things will help you focus on more important things like the people around you and even yourself.

Reducing things saves you money

Having fewer things to buy and maintain definitely does your finances a lot of good. Not having to buy anything frees up money so you can indulge yourself in more things of value such as targeted savings, investment etc. It allows you to spend money on more valuable things that can improve your life.

There is more time

When you do not have to spend a lot of money on unnecessary things, you can retain most of your income. This means you can have your finances in check and do not have to work so much. It also frees up time for you to do the things you enjoy and really need to do. Having enough time is one thing that virtually everyone struggles with because we all have to fit so many activities into our day. With less work, you have more time for other more important things.

You save energy

Once you declutter every aspect of your home, you will be able to save your energy for other profitable ventures. Moving forward, you will not have to deal with clutter anymore and thus, be able to use your energy for other activities. People who do not bear the burden of a materialistic lifestyle are stronger, healthier and more energetic.

You will stop comparing yourself to other people

We often find ourselves spending time comparing our lives to those of others. It is not healthy and it does not bring you happiness. When you spend all of your time thinking about the things you do not have, you do not end up not taking stock of what you do have. Appreciating the things you have is the first step to living a contented life. Comparing your life with that of others can create the feeling that you are missing something. With a minimalist lifestyle, you desire less things and find yourself not comparing yourself with other people in terms of material things.

Ease of Travel

Imagine having a trip in 24 hours and packing a day before without leaving anything behind. Bliss, right? With minimalism, you do not need to carry so much with you when traveling. With minimalism, you take less with you and you leave less behind. Minimalism helps you enjoy the experience of visiting new destinations rather than focusing on what you take with you on the trip or what you can take back.


Being a minimalist helps you appreciate little things more and to be grateful for everything in your life. You recognize the things that make life beautiful instead of the material things that everybody craves. Having this mindset helps you take stock of things better with the full understanding that everything is important.


Minimalism is a choice and everyone has the right to choose the lifestyle they want. For anyone who chooses to adopt this lifestyle, they can choose how far they are willing to go with it. But one thing that is certain about adopting a minimalist lifestyle is that the benefits of this lifestyle will increase and you will want more – and that is one thing that you, as a minimalist, are allowed to want more of.

Author bio: Jade is a small business owner who loves to travel. She is passionate about the environment and healthy living.