Guest Post - 5 Ways to Optimize Your Area for a Productive Workspace
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Did you feel stressed and anxious at your office because of all the pressure? How can you decrease your levels of stress and increase your productivity? The simple answer to that problem is…
Can I get some drumroll, please?
All you got to do is optimize your area for a productive workspace.
Make your workspace heavenly!
It is time to accept reality! The lives of many of us are mundane and monotonous. We go to the same office, the same café, and sit in the same working space every day. It is normal to get flustered by this monotony and think of changing it once in a while.
A good starting point will be to modify your workspace to make it more productive and healthy. Our environment affects our thinking a lot. More than you know! Think about it, we visit the same place every day, and so, we are bound to get influenced by many factors surrounding us.
When feeling under threat, our brain makes decisions quickly by just taking a small portion of reality and then generalizing it from which it decides on which behavior to embrace. Finding that hard to believe? Let me present some scenarios for you:
If you are having a conversation with someone who uses words like depressed, down, disappointed, and low, you start feeling the same way.
Even just a little aroma of cleaning liquid can cause people to be tidier and cleaner.
So, you see how it works now? Now, the question is, how can we create an environment that is creative, productive, and positive?
Get rid of the plain white walls. Add some color!
Colors can make things go a different way. If you’re working in a place surrounded by beige and white walls (yawn), then it is understandable why you’re always sulky and irritant. Every color has an effect of some sort on our behavior.
Some colors can make you feel at peace while others can bring out the anger in you. Let’s take a look at how to choose the ideal colors for your workplace:
Red: This color is needed when you want to hurry things up. You’ll be more physically active and high on energy as red color gives you an impression that time is going faster than usual and speeds up your heart rate too.
Blue: If you need some peace and a sense of calm in your life, then you need shades of blue in your workplace. This is most valid when you need to increase productivity.
Yellow: This is the right choice in workplaces, where creativity is encouraged as it brings out positive emotional responses.
Green: This color will make you feel relaxed in times of high stress. It can make you feel soothed and calm.
You don’t necessarily have to paint walls in these colors. You can just get some furniture or accessories of these colors and make your day a whole lot productive.
All the clutter is just going to get in the way of your productivity
Some neuroscientists at Princeton University made a startling discovery when comparing people’s task performance in an organized and disorganized environment.
People who were messy and had physical clutter all around them resulted in low performance and high stress. Therefore, excess stuff on the work station can negatively impact you.
We get that letting go of things is not easy, even the trivial stuff, and some researchers at Yale University also discovered that your brain hurts when you let go of things.
So, how do we go about it?
We can start by using small storage spaces because less space also means less space for clutter, right? Or we can just set up a daily routine to clean our desks at the end of each day so that your next day won’t be so stressful because of the clutter.
Invest in some comfortable furniture
It is not just about how your workplace looks. What’s the point of it looking like it came out of a magazine if it is not comfortable at all?
Chairs, desks, and tables, everything has to be taken into account. If you fidget or change your sitting positions often, it means your comfort level is not high. Optimizing your workplace to be comfortable is the first step towards feeling energized and productive.
Therefore, you must pay attention to every detail like how comfortable your chair is, how high are the armrests, is your laptop at your eye-level or not, how comfortable is the footrest, etc.
However, if this all seems a lot to you, you can hire the services of a workplace design specialists to touch up your furniture. They can modify the design of your place to make you feel more productive. They can also give a full-service to your interior environment so that you only get positive vibes out of those walls.
Set up a refreshment section
If you haven’t done that already, how do you expect yourself to be productive?!
Do you think you will get that work done easily with a growling stomach and a dry throat? Sorry to say, but it does not work that way. You will be suffering all day. A snack or drink section is a must, and the drinkers should always have coffee since it is one way to keep you active.
Is your workplace lighting in need of an update?
Fluorescent light in your workplace can make you feel like you are trapped in a room. It is vital to let the natural light come in. It has been researched that that natural light can automatically improve your mood and encourage productivity. So, what are you doing in a room with no windows?
But don’t fret if you cannot get a window in your work area for some reason. Just get a lamp for some warm light, and you are good to go. It will help you relax, and your eyes will feel less strained.
You should be well aware of your work routine, your mentality, and your work environment to not let yourself burn out. Your workspace should give you a sense of comfort. Also, when you are working, the key to being productive is to take breaks in between.
To promote productivity, you should be organized physically and mentally. To reach that level of productivity, you can start by making some changes to your workplace.
Author Bio: About Michelle Joe: Michelle Joe is a blogger by choice. She loves to discover the world around her. She likes to share her discoveries, experiences, and express herself through her blogs. You can find her on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook.