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Guest Post - 5 Clever Energy-Saving Hacks You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner

You know that electricity is one of the utilities that many people tend to take for granted. There are so many places around the world that have poor electrical infrastructures. With that said, it is quite remarkable that lost power happens during natural disasters. Electricity is also quite expensive, and people tend to waste it without realizing it at the time. They only know it when they when receive their electricity bills and are horrified to see how high they are.  

However, what do many people do when they receive those high bills? They complain about how expensive electricity and utilities in general are. The bills are reluctantly paid, and keep carrying on with wasting electricity. However, they also deserve to be given the benefit of the doubt. They may not realize that there are energy-saving hacks that can help them save a lot of money on electricity. Let's take a look at those five clever energy-saving hacks that you will want to implement right away!

1. Add Insulation 

Are you having to crank up the heat to high levels during the winter because your house is just as freezing as it is outdoors, no matter what you do? And are you having to crank up the air conditioning on hot summer days because your house is like a sauna? 

If you do, you know that you are cranking up your energy costs, which means you'll end up with ugly bills that you never want to see again. The EPA estimates that 49% of the average home’s energy bill is from heating and cooling. Additionally, the EPA suggests that the average home could cut their energy cost by 11% by adding insulation. 

Heat escapes the home during the winter, and cold air escapes the house during the summer. That is why you struggle to find a comfortable temperate set in your home. 

The good news is that there is a solution to that. That is by adding insulation into your home. Insulation is critical when it comes to saving energy. That is because it reduces the heat exchange through surfaces such as the roof, ducts, or the wall. Therefore, in a well-insulated home, there is a lot less air escaping from the house during the winter. And, there is less fresh air escaping during the summer. What does that mean? You are saving energy, and that results in receiving utility bills that are not so frightening.

2. Switch To LED Lights

Are you still using compact fluorescent light bulbs? If so, firstly, you need to realize that those are so 2005! Secondly, those use up a tonne of energy that results in you receiving extremely high energy bills. Those fluorescent light bulbs also don't last very long, which means you have to spend more money replacing them. Put an end to that right now, and graduate to LED lights. 

LED lights to use a fraction of the energy, and they last much longer than their fluorescent counterparts. You will be glad you did for two reasons. One reason is that you'll end up with a much lower electricity bill. Another reason is that they do produce much better quality light. You'll be questioning why you did not take advantage of this hack sooner! Well, don't fret because you know that saying better late than never. That applies to this as well. 

3. Make Sure Your Doors And Window Sills Are Sealed Properly

What is a common cause for energy escaping from your home, aside from not having insulation? Doors and window sills that aren't shut properly. found that heat gain and heat loss through windows are responsible for 25% heating and cooling energy use.

If your doors and window sills have cracks on the side that are causing air to escape, then it may be a good time for you to invest in new doors and windows. The investment will save you money down the road because you'll be saving so much on energy. 

However, if you are shutting the window sills well and there are no cracks in it, then there is another hack you can utilize. Hot hair during the summer can come through your windows even if they're shut. The same applies to the cold air during the winter. An excellent hack to prevent this from happening is by placing blankets or sheets over your windows. The unfortunate cause of this is that you'll have less sunlight coming through your windows. However, this hack will help lower your electricity and gas bills. 

4. Switch To A Renewable Energy Plan

You may not realize that your energy supplier is gouging you. Therefore, you are paying rates that are too high. There is a reason for this. Energy suppliers are very competitive energy retailers. Suppliers purchase energy from generators, and then they mark up their costs and sell it to businesses and homeowners. The energy that they purchase from generators is also not eco-friendly. You probably were not even aware of this. However, there is a solution. 

Online energy comparison sites allow consumers to find green energy options online by aggregating energy plans from dozens of energy suppliers so you can find the one that’s best for you. You are doing a favor by helping the environment by turning to eco-friendly energy and as an added bonus you could save on your electric bill. 

5. Turn Off The Power Strip That Connects Your Electronics

Did you realize that even if your electronics are shut off, which is connected to a power strip, they are still taking in energy? There is a name for them. That is vampire devices. The reason for this name is because they store some energy as they respond fast when it comes to you turning them back on again. Therefore, this in itself adds extra costs and will increase your energy bills. 

The solution is to turn off the power strip. This way, you will cut all of the electricity off from your electronics. That is the only way that they will stop using up energy without you being aware. 

If you utilize those five hacks, you are guaranteed to save a lot of money by using less energy. This way, you are being smart about how you are spending money on energy. You work hard for your money! And you want to spend it well and wisely. 

Author Bio: Thad Warren: Thad covers renewable energy technology and trends in the utility industry for EnergyBot. His work has been published in MarketWatch, Seeking Alpha, and the Chicago Daily Harold. and