Guest Post - How To Boost Your Health With Air Purifying Plants
Plants are true superheroes: They turn stale air into fresh oxygen, boost our moods, increase our ability to focus and liven up any space. A NASA study found that certain houseplants are further capable of filtering commonly found toxins out of the air we breathe. Volatile organic compounds, also known as VOCs, are harmful gases from chemicals that are emitted into the air and can cause respiratory and dermatological issues in humans and animals. The most common ones include and can be found in:
Formaldehyde: cigarette smoke, manufactured wood, cosmetics and permanent press fabric such as drapes and curtains
Xylene: cigarette smoke, paint, varnish and automobile exhaust
Trichloroethylene (TCE): cleaners, adhesives and paint removers
Benzene: gasoline, glues, detergents and furniture wax
Ammonia: fertilizers, industrial and window cleaners
While low levels are normal and some VOCs are even naturally produced in humans, overexposure can be dangerous. Fortunately, indoor plants can help lower these levels and improve our health. One of the best natural air purifiers is the peace lily, which significantly reduced the amount of VOCs it was exposed to in the NASA study. This pretty plant is the perfect addition to a bathroom since it loves a humid environment and can survive with little to no natural light. Indoor plants like aloe vera, dragon trees or areca palms are also excellent air purifiers and will add a natural touch to your living space.
To help you improve the air quality in your home, FTD created this handy flowchart so you can find out which indoor plant fits your lifestyle and level of green thumb best. Learn more about the different VOCs, the best air purifying plants and how to style your home in them from the infographic below.