Guest Post - Practical Ways to Clean and Declutter Your Home During the COVID-19 Outbreak
There are a lot of uncertainties in a worldwide pandemic. We don’t know how long we will be hunkered down, we don’t know when we will get back to a sense of normalcy, and any sort of routine is out the window. While it’s easy to dwell on the things that are unknown and cause anxiety, we are better served to make a list of all the things we can do and need to do.
We all need a little distraction and to feel productive. Most homeowners have a running list of projects that they never have time to tackle. With COVID-19 spreading, social distancing and stay-at-home orders are in place. It’s the perfect time to do the projects that take time, like cleaning and decluttering.
Make It Fun
Getting your house in it’s best shape is going to take a while, but it doesn’t need to be monotonous. Get everyone in your house involved. Turn on some music, a fun podcast, or a good audiobook. Go down memory lane as you sift through your belongings. Let every moment feel like an accomplishment and don’t let yourself be rushed; after all, you’re stuck in the house anyway.
Eenie Meenie Miney Mo
You’ve likely accumulated a lot of stuff. Some of it you probably don’t even remember you have. Since you are home, it’s the perfect opportunity to open every drawer, go through every closet, and assess every item. Sort your belongings into three piles: keep, trash, and donate.
Items that will be donated should be gently used or new items. Here are some things you should not donate:
Anything too broken to repair
Anything too stained
Used undergarments
Recalled items
Used mattresses
If you have larger items to donate, call a charity beforehand to see if they are able to accept such items. The “donate” pile may have to stay at your home for a little while until business resumes as usual. For the time being, just place the pile somewhere out of the way.
Everything Has Its Place
Once you determine which of your belongings you are keeping, you can find them a place in your home. If your home is not full of storage options, then it’s time to get creative. You can store items in bins under beds, which is particularly useful for kids’ toys or shoes. You can purchase decorative trunks and wooden crates to store blankets and board games. Some decorative trunks and wooden crates can also double as additional seating or an ottoman.
If you have limited square footage, then you would be best served utilizing the vertical space in every room of your home. The vertical space is the area of the wall between the floor to the ceiling. You can use this space by doing the following:
Mounting shelves
Installing pegboards
Creating a mounted filing system
Hanging vintage shutters for mail
Clean as You Go
Now, more than ever, it’s important to clean each surface in your home. As you work through your home, take the opportunity to disinfect all areas. Use this time to not only rid your home of anything that shouldn’t be there but also to officially start your cleaning schedule. Some spaces will require annual cleaning, while others may be monthly, bi-weekly, or weekly.
Don’t let the coronavirus get you down. Take the opportunity to tackle the list of things you need to do in your home. One project most homeowners have is to declutter and clean, and this is the perfect time to do it. By the time the nation is on the mend, you will have a clean and organized home with more time to focus on getting outdoors and meeting with friends.
Author bio: Natalie enjoys writing about homebuying and hopes to inspire homeowners of all stages enjoy the perks of homeownership!