House to Home Organizing

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How To Stay in Control by Organizing

For many of us, it has been five weeks that we have been physically distancing at home. Our lives are very different as we attempt to stay healthy and safe. Being home 24/7 is stressful in itself, add in children and your house can feel totally out of control. The kitchen is always in use, laundry is piling up, toys are where they shouldn’t be, and you just can’t keep enough food in the house. Sound familiar?

Organizing is a way to gain control

Living in an organized space can be comforting. Being able to find what is needed quickly and easily will keep your family calm and there will be less chaos. For example, if someone needs batteries how great it is to know exactly which room and which drawer the batteries are located. This way, contents of many drawers are not strewn all over while searching.

Organizing is a good way to keep your body moving and get out excess energy

Organizing can be physical depending on the area you choose to organize. It is challenging to be inside day and night, and starting an organizing project can help you move your muscles and get some exercise.

Organizing can tackle the areas you hate to look at

Many people have “hot spots” in their homes that give them anxiety and frustration. Whether it be your basement, attic, old photographs, whatever, now is the time to dig in and start organizing.

Supplies Needed

You will need a clear surface to work. You can always use a folding table if there is no surface available in the area you wish to organize. Near the table have a box for donates, a trash bag, a recycling bin and a box for sentimental items which you choose to keep but not necessarily where they are currently located.

Start Small

Tackling a big room such as a kitchen can be daunting and require quite a bit of time. Pick a small area to start. Maybe an area that will bring you joy when done. Linen closet or a few kitchen drawers or shelves for example.

Take before/after photo’s

How great to see what you have accomplished! At House to Home Organizing we always take photo’s so the client can see the improvement.

Organizing Products/Systems.

Many clients make the error of purchasing organizing products they “think” will be useful only to find out that once they have purged and removed donates, trash and keepsakes they need a different type of system. Do yourself a favor and do not buy anything before you start to clear clutter. Once you are done you can jump on Pinterest or look in a magazine and see finished products. Amazon, the Container Store, Target, Bed Bath and Beyond to name a few are all excellent places to shop for organizing systems.

Need professional help? Contact a professional organizer. A professional organizer will work with you to help declutter and decide what to keep. A professional organizer will help determine the best place for your items to live and what structures would be best for them to live in. During these troubling times, we are here for you via Facetime, phone or Zoom to ensure health and safety for all.