Guest Post - 10 Mistakes That Are Making Your Home Unhealthy

Most people define a good home by its comfort, security, and serenity. But there is more to a good home. One of the most critical features that many people overlook is the healthiness of a home. Many people clean and beautify their homes just to entertain their houseguests, forgetting that the occupants’ health should always come first. We spend most of our night time and a significant part of our daylight time in our homes, which makes unhealthy homes the leading causes of common illnesses.

Note that a home can be unhealthy even when your hygiene levels are top-notch; after all, general hygiene does not necessarily slow down the growth of mold and mildew. These toxic substances know how to hide from your naked eye and they can thrive in environments no one can imagine. That is why you must learn to avoid making these 10 mistakes that could be making your home unhealthy, even when you are keen on hygiene. 


1.    Not taking your shoes off at the door

Wearing the same shoes for both your indoor and outdoor activities is a health risk because shoes bring allergens, mildew, and pollutants into your living spaces. These toxic elements easily get trapped on the bottom of your shoes. Ensure that you and your houseguests leave your outdoor shoes outside or put them in a washable tray by the entrance.

2.    Overheating your indoors


An overheated environment is a good breeding place for mites and mold. Keep your thermostat at 70 degrees maximum to get rid of them.

3.    Allowing pets into your bed

If you enjoy snuggling up to your furry friend in your bed, what you are basically doing is inviting allergens to your bed. If you must allow the fur baby into your bed, then at least bathe him/her twice a week.

4.    Too many houseplants

Houseplants boost the healthiness of your home, but as you know, too much of anything is poisonous. Plants make your indoors warm but at the same time increases moisture through cellular respiration and photosynthesis. This kind of environment promotes the growth of mold. Also, note that the soil holding your potted plants offers the perfect habitation for harmful microorganisms to thrive and multiply exponentially. Just bring in enough houseplants (not excess).

5.    Poor maintenance of water


When the water systems in your home are mismanaged, that can cause mold buildup in some areas, damage to walls and floors, or even some of your hidden fabrics. Make sure whether you need a home remodeling or not, always ensure that your siding installation is in perfect shape to avoid leakages in the house, which sometimes lead to chipped paint and discolored surfaces.  Contact a professional siding contractor or a plumber immediately you detect signs of water leakages in your home. That will save you a lot in terms of medical and repair bills.

6.    Mismanagement of fabrics and textiles

Your carpets, mats, and rugs, are the key culprits in hiding microorganisms. Note that fabrics and textiles are good absorbers of moisture and that makes them a nice habitation for microorganisms. There are also some forms of upholstery that act as the perfect hideouts for pests. Always ensure that your textiles and fabrics are sufficiently aired and regularly exposed to direct sunlight so that they can dry. Ensure that the carpets are cleaned and vacuumed frequently. And if you don’t need all the fabrics and textiles in your home, donate or get rid of some of them.

7.    Not cleaning the vents and ducts


Vents need cleaning just like every other part of your home. They are the biggest culprit when it comes to accumulating dust and later redistributing the dust particles when you turn on the heat or air conditioning. If you are unable to clean out hard-to-reach dust, hire a professional to do it for you.

8.    Using wrong household cleaners

Household cleaners settle on your furniture, walls, and even clothes, meaning that you inhale their chemicals all the time. Some of these chemicals can damage your airways and lungs, which can lead to serious health problems like asthma and cancer. Be sure to find chemical-free cleaners to clean your home.

9.    Poor bathroom ventilation 

Ensure that your bathroom window is open every time you shower just to get rid of excess moisture. We have already mentioned that moisture encourages mold.

10.    Piling up trash

Mice and roaches love trash. And because rodents are disease carriers, you need to stick to a routine of taking out the trash every day.


Not dusting properly, allowing your pets to sleep in the bed, and letting moisture bead up around the bathroom are some of the unhealthy mistakes you are making. You should desist from the 10 mistakes we have described if you don't make you and your family really sick.

Author Bio: Catherine Cortez is a certified architect as well as writer for different websites. She is young and ambitious, with a degree in architecture. Her mission is to inspire others to live their dreams and create their perfect sweet home. She puts a big effort into working with her clients and tries to help them in the best way she can.

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