Guest Post - 6 Creative Ways to Introduce Biophilic Design Into Your Office
Back in the day, having an office space meant desks, chairs, a computer and possibly some decor pieces. But, since our awareness has evolved, nowadays it’s possible to see offices with recreational areas and other features and details that can have positive effects on employees and the environment alike.
Humans have a unique relationship with nature, so it’s only logical to find nature-inspired overlaps even in the offices, and thanks to innovations, it’s possible to have offices that mimic nature. This is called biophilic design, and if you’re thinking about introducing it into your offices, here are some creative ways that can help you make that happen.
First, let’s learn more about biophilic design
As mentioned before, biophilic design is all about bringing nature indoors. You might think that adding a bunch of plants is akin to biophilic design, but in fact, things are more complex than that, because the biophilic design is about getting things right so people will enjoy working there. Therefore, creating green areas where employees will be able to relax, collaborate and work is the main way of adding biophilic design the proper way. So, make sure to plan things accordingly before you decide to finally make any changes to your office space.
Find a way to utilize outside areas
Now that you know what biophilic design is, you can revamp your workplace, and the easiest way to begin is to utilize outside areas. If you’re lucky enough to have a rooftop, a backyard or a balcony, then it would be great if you could add comfortable tables and chairs so your staff can use it to work and relax. Of course, using outdoor areas should be available only during pleasant weather conditions, so make sure to encourage your employees to go outside throughout the warm spring and summer days.
Choosing organic and natural elements is always the right move
Mimic outdoors isn’t always easy since we’re constantly surrounded by artificial decor pieces that are easy to obtain, which is why many people decide to use them. Still, choosing organic materials that resemble those found in nature will create a special environment that will entice your employees to socialize and be more motivated. So, if you’re aiming to have elegant and healthy green offices, then opting for natural and ethically-sourced wood will be an excellent way to upgrade your office furniture, while choosing decor details made of stone, bamboo and rubber will surely contribute to beautiful and nature-inspired aesthetics you’re planning to achieve.
Access to natural lights matters a lot
Having access to natural light can make all the differences when it comes to the productivity and well-being of your employees. In case your office building comes with large windows, then make sure that they’re always clean, and if you must use curtains, then it’s essential to get ones that are transparent enough, so they won’t block access to sunlight. Additionally, opting for elegant nude colors as your basis can reflect enough light to keep your office well-lit during the daytime.
Don’t be afraid to incorporate colors
Embracing various colors can have a strong influence on your employees, as it’s well-known that they can affect mood and workplace performance. But, before you decide to incorporate any colors, make sure to choose them wisely, because not all colors have the same effect on people. For example, bright orange is a very good choice for your office break room, as it can have a positive impact on your employees. On the other hand, dull colors can be disadvantageous so be sure to use them sparsely. Since biophilic design revolves around nature, then you can never go wrong with calming blue and mint green, as they’re known to improve focus and efficiency.
Feel free to add a lot of greenery
Indoor plants can have a lot of benefits on one’s well-being, and when it comes to biophilic design, then adding greenery seems like a perfectly sensible step. However, it’s essential to choose the right plants that fit the overall aesthetic of your office, so everything will look cohesive and well-put. Aside from that, it’s important to choose plants that are easy to maintain, so they’ll be able to thrive and be healthy.
Biophilic design is a wonderful way to include nature in your workplace and advance the health and well-being of your employees. Also, this type of interior design will foster productivity and positive relations among everyone in the office, so feel free to experiment with different aspects of it until you find a perfect combination that will create a close-knit and supportive atmosphere.
About the author: Mike Johnston is an avid freelance writer with a focus in home improvement, interior design, family life, and sustainable living.