Guest Post - How to Elevate Your Bathroom to Futuristic Standards
When you think about making modern home upgrades, rooms like the kitchen or master bedroom might initially come to mind. While these areas are important since you might be spending a lot of time there, don’t neglect your bathroom in the process.
Smart homes and houses that feature futuristic technology are becoming more popular than ever. And, it’s easier to make your bathroom fit in with that futuristic, luxurious look than you may realize.
With that in mind, let’s look at a few easy, practical ways to upgrade and elevate your bathroom to futuristic standards. By making some changes, you can create a luxurious spa-like feel in the comfort of your own home.
Focus on Conservation
The environment is a hot topic right now because more people are starting to take notice of the dangers we’re facing. Climate change is a serious issue, but so is water conservation. Water demand has tripled over the last 50 years, and continues to get even greater. Thankfully, when it comes to the water used in your bathroom, there are several different upgrades you can make to use less and do more for the planet, including:
Installing a low-flow toilet to save up to 27,000 gallons of water a year
Checking all faucets for leaks
Attaching water-saving showerheads
Installing aerators for your faucets
If you really want to invest in an upgrade, consider buying a new water heater or water softener. Most models today are more energy efficient and can lower your utility bills. Plus, if you belong to the 85% of American homes with hard water, a new water softener can help to keep your bathroom looking cleaner. Your tub, toilet, and sink won’t get yellow/brown rust stains, which will keep everything sparkling and looking more modern.
The more you’re willing to update in your bathroom when it comes to appliances and accessories that can help with water conservation, the more you’re protecting the environment in the future.
Let There Be Light
The lighting in your bathroom can make a big difference in the overall look and feel. Modern, large-scale lighting can make your bathroom look more futuristic and luxurious in an instant. Don’t be afraid to get creative and bold with your lighting choices. Installing a chandelier as an accent light, for example, is a great way to make a statement and control the mood.
Bath bar lights, sconces, and vanity lighting can also give your bathroom an updated look, especially if you’ve been dealing with the same lighting for years.
If you really want to make your bathroom feel like a modern, expensive spa, consider layering your lighting. This is a technique most spas and salons use to set the right mood. Installing a dimmer switch is a great way to change the mood depending on what you’re doing.
For example, if you want a nice, relaxing bath, setting the lights low can help you relax. You can use brighter lights in the morning when you’re showering and getting ready for the day. The simple addition of a dimmer can make a big difference in your overall control of the bathroom, and it can make it feel sleeker.
These are, of course, just a few ideas to help you get started on your futuristic bathroom. Think about some of the features you would most like to see in your bathroom to make it feel more luxurious. Those features may be more ‘doable’ than you realize!
The future is here, and it’s not impossible to make modern changes to your bathroom that will make things more convenient while bringing your space up to date. Additionally, by choosing energy-efficient, LED bulbs in your fixtures, you’ll be doing another great service to the planet!
Author Bio: Noah Rue is a freelance writer.