Lighten Up: 4 Ways to Brighten Up Your Home Without Running Up Your Electric Bill


During the winter months, shorter days can lead to darkened homes. Achieving a bright, well-lit home doesn't mean that you have to turn on all of the lights and run up your electric bill. Try these tips to light up your house and improve your mood immediately.

Repaint Your Walls

If your home is painted in dark colors, this can make your whole home feel darker. Try painting your walls in a light color, like an off-white or cream. This helps reflect the light that is in the room, which brightens it up immediately. If your walls are already painted in a neutral color, you may try painting the ceiling a shade lighter. This will help bounce the light around the room.

Add Some Mirrors

Mirrors are a great way to instantly brighten up your home. When you hang a mirror, it doubles the amount of sunshine that streams in through your windows as it bounces off the reflective surface. For best results, hang a large mirror or a collage of smaller mirrors directly across from your window.

Consider Installing New Windows

Windows are the best way to bring natural sunlight from the outside world to the inside of your home. If your home is older, your windows may not be energy efficient or as clear as you would like. Having new windows installed can brighten up a room and make it appear larger. If your home doesn't have enough windows, you can utilize new window installation to help brighten up a dark room.

New styles of windows can also help you save on your heating or cooling bills. When the windows are installed, any leaks in the exterior of the window can be resolved. Modern styles of windows are also insulated and designed to keep cold air outdoors and warm air indoors.

Rethink Your Curtains

If you have heavy curtains, you may want to rethink them. Try swapping out your heavy curtains for a sheer variety. This will allow more sunlight to flow into the room. If you need to purchase light or sound blocking curtains for sleeping purposes, make sure to start your day by opening and typing back your curtains to allow as much sunlight in as possible.

If your home is dark, you don't need to feel like the only solution to brighten it is by acquiring more lights. Try these simple tips to make your home feel brighter, and enjoy your home all winter long.

Author Bio: Anita is a freelance writer from Denver, CO. She studied at Colorado State University, and now writes articles about health, business, family and finance. A mother of two, she enjoys traveling with her family whenever she isn't writing. You can follow her on Twitter @anitaginsburg.

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