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The importance of air duct cleaning brush for getting healthy air at home

A clean air duct can assure that the air flowing in your home is quite free from contaminants. On the other hand, a dirty air duct carries air with pollutants. It makes a risky condition with a less efficient air conditioning system. Who desires this condition? No one wants it.

The proper air duct cleaning process regularly is sufficient for reducing health risks. A homeowner ought to contact HVAC system companies for its maintenance. The high skilled person easily identifies the necessity of air duct cleaning. They proceed cleaning mainly by air duct cleaning brush and vacuuming. Some agencies offer air duct cleaning tools for rent. You can do it if you have enough confidence and handy skill.

What is the air duct cleaning brush?

The air duct cleaning brush is the device to lose dust, pollens, debris, mold, bacteria, and viruses attached to the duct wall. It helps to dislodge the dust particle and hook by the vacuum cleaner. Whenever you see the air duct is dirty, a duct cleaning brush can easily clean out from the duct. This brush is made of soft or firm nylon material attached to a long cable.

The air duct cleaning equipment

Either you want to clean the air duct by yourself or by a professional person requiring some equipment. This equipment is available to almost all air duct cleaning companies. Even you can rent these tools when you consider DIY.

These are

·    Rotary brushes

·    Air guns

·    Air whips

·    Vacuum cleaner

The benefits of the air duct cleaner brush

You will get a lot of benefits using the cleaning brush during the air duct cleanout for sure. It is the greatest invention ever till now. The device is very effective for residential or commercial areas to air duct cleaning purposes.

· Better cleaning result

· Healthy, clean, and fresh air

· Longer lifespan of HVAC system

· Reduced respiratory problem and allergy symptoms

· More Efficiency of air conditioning effect with low cost

· Low dust accumulation rate in the air duct

Types of the rotary brush

You can choose suitable brushes for cleaning the dirty ducts for DIY. But when you hire a professional, they are responsible for using a perfect brush according to the duct types. For getting a better cleaning service, knowledge about various kinds of rotary brushes will help you.

1. Soft nylon brush:

The soft nylon brush is made of soft nylon bristol to remove the fine and soft debris from the duct and vents. This brush is applicable for all types of the duct, including round, flex, or metal ducts. The soft bristle rotary brush will not damage or stretch to any steel duct and can clean all the dust leaving a clean air duct.

2. Stiff nylon brush

Stiff nylon brushes are best for cleaning hard dust or grease attached to the duct wall. It consists of hard nylon to perform a heavy-duty job. These brushes do not apply to metal or steel ducts. The stiff bristle can stretch to the surface of air ducts

3. Combination soft brush:

This kind of brush is the combination of more soft nylon with few stiff nylon to clean out normal dust from air ducts. The central disc of these brushes evolves the negative airflow along with cleaning debris. The size should be 10% longer than the duct size.

4. Duct cleaner fan brush

For round, square, or rectangular ducts, the fan brush is much more effective. This brush loses the dust particles and propels them toward the vacuum.

5. Flow brush

The flow brush provides a great service for soft to medium dust cleaning from your air ducts as well as air vents.

Rotary brush system

Nowadays, the rotary brush system is more popular for cleaning the ductwork. It is simple as well as affordable for all. This cleaning is a solid cleaning service avoiding extra hassle. You can get these brushes with all the necessary hardware to operate perfectly.

In rotary brush cleaning equipment, a brush attached to a long cable can insert into the duct easily. It is possible to clean for all types of ducts like flex duct, metal duct, rectangular duct, and dryer ducts.

The head brush is rotating by motor like a drill. Some of the pneumatic brush clean dust using the power of an air compressor. While the rotary brush rotates, the attached dust is becoming dislodged. A vacuum sucks out all dust particles to provide the cleanest air duct. The use of a rotary brush cleaning is a very easy process to accomplish the cleaning job. For safety issues, the rotating cable is not revealed to all types of duct cleaning systems.

Air duct cleaning snake

Air duct cleaning snakes perform better for a clean air duct at your home or business area. However, the cleaning mechanism is quite different from the duct cleaning brush. When you insert the nozzle of the cleaning snake, blow the steam of the compressed air force. It pushes the dust particle to dislodge from the duct wall. These tools move the dust with the air force, and a high vacuum hooks all the deposits. The vacuum sucks deposits then carries out to the outside of the channel.

The air duct cleaning tools are easy to maneuver throughout the duct. It can clean each corner of the duct, whereas the rotary brush couldn't reach. The possibility of tangling is very low during cleaning. The cleaning snake abrasion with the duct wall is zero.

Final words

We have researched a lot to organize all information you need regarding the duct cleaning brush.

In the bottom line of the article, I think you are clear about the air duct cleaning brush. It is an imperative tool for the cleaning of air ducts. A clean air duct will leave a healthy home for you and your loving members. We have researched a lot to organize all information you need regarding the duct cleaning brush.