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Guest Post - Top 5 necessary tools for making DIY furniture

There is nothing better than wooden furniture for making your home a very comfortable and healthy place. Woodworking is one of the most beautiful forms of art. It is something which is very creative. From building beautiful furniture to wooden craft, there is no alternative of wood. As a passionate woodworker and DIY worker I am building wooden furniture for the last 20 years. I know the important of different tools in building wooden furniture. Woodworking depends on various tools and to be a great woodworker one should must know the best use of these woodworking tools. We are going to share top 5 necessary tools for making DIY furniture.

Band saw: 

The first tool we are going to talk about is band saw. For a woodworker, a bandsaw is the most important tool in the workshop. There are so many things that you can you with a band saw. You can resaw a big chunk of wood easily with a band saw. You can slice a thin piece of wood equally with a bandsaw. You can easily cut a big piece of wood very quickly with no effort by a band saw. In woodworking, there is no compare of a band saw. For building any kind of wooden furniture, a band saw can help you like nothing else. As a woodworker, you must have a band saw in your tools collection.


A dremel is a tool that not only useful for a woodworker but also for any household work. We all should have a dremel in our home. For making a hole in the wall, wood or electric board there is no alternative of a dremel.You can use dremel even in a very small and simple work in the household. So for a woodworker, dremel is a must needed tool. For making wooden furniture a dremel is another must needed tool.

Circular saw: 

Circular saw is a great woodworking tool without any doubt. Circular saw is a very powerful woodworking tool and can do a wide range of woodworking task. Circular saw is the best for cutting straight through a hard wood. Also, circular saw can cut deep compare to jigsaw. More importantly, circular saw can cut thicker material more precisely than a jigsaw. For various type of woodworking, a circular saw is one of the most important tools for a woodworker. So for making wooden furniture, you should definitely use a circular saw.


Jigsaw is a very widely use woodworking tool for decades. Almost, every woodworker in the world use jigsaw in their various woodworking projects. Jigsaw is very ideal for complex cuts. Also, you can work in tight space with a jigsaw better than a circular saw. You can make different types of complex cuts, curves with a jigsaw. For building wooden furniture, these kind of cuts is very common. For every mini to large woodworking projects, jigsaw is one of the most favorite tools for woodworkers.


 We often underestimate chainsaw and don’t really know how capable a chainsaw is! The first thing we this as a chainsaw is, they are great tree cutting tool. You can cut tree limbs, tree vines, and tree branches and cut tree into different pieces very smoothly with a chainsaw. But chainsaw is one of the best wood carving tools and you can make beautiful design in wood with chainsaw. You can build a bear or a toy very smoothly with a chainsaw. Wood workers are using chainsaw as a carving tool for many years.

Finally, we have given a short introduction about top 5 necessary tools for making DIY furniture. But without these 5 tools, there are also some important woodworking tools for making wooden furniture. Like reciprocating saw, miter saw, table saw etc. Whichever tool you are using for woodworking, you must need to know the use of the tool properly. Because, these power tools can be very dangerous sometimes. So take proper precision before using these tools. Must follow the using manuals and do a proper research on using the power tool.

Author Bio:

John G. Anderson is a carpenter and woodworker for many years. He also owns a workshop. He has been dealing with hand and power tools for more than decades. He shares his woodworking experiences through . He regularly writes for this blog. His long woodworking experience makes him a very wise DIY worker.