Guest Post - What Not to Throw in Your Garbage Disposal - 7 Disasters to Avoid


One of the most underrated modern inventions is the garbage disposal unit. It makes a home maker’s life easy and hassle-free. As people are busier now, it saves their time to empty trash cans often. But we want to put a caution here! Despite being able to dispose of most of our trash, garbage disposal has its limitations.

You must know the correct waste disposal methods to avoid the last-minute panic call to the plumber. However, for high rise buildings, trash chutes are much better alternatives.

Just remember the below-mentioned list of 7 worst food for garbage disposal. Afterward, there will be no need to stress about what can you put in your garbage disposal, every time you throw something in.

1. Bones: Well, we suppose it’s no brainer to guess why!! The hard structure of bones will mess up the grinding blades. Additionally, they will clog up the drainage (If at all they reach there). So take some extra steps towards your trash can after your chicken dinner. It will keep both your tummy and garbage disposal in good condition. P.S. don’t underestimate the small bones!

2. Coffee Grounds: They look harmless but are they? Nope. They may stick to the walls. They become dense and thick with the water. It will seem like you are throwing away the powder, but it will become a paste clogging the bottom of your drainage. A better way to use them is as a composite for your garden.

3. Fibrous Vegetables: They are healthy and nutritious for you. Unfortunately, your garbage disposal doesn’t agree. It’s a terrible idea to throw starchy or fibrous vegetables like celery, Cornhusk, and rhubarb in it. The fibers will stick with the blade. Even worse, they tangle with the blades if you try to force them down.

4. Rice and Pasta: Our mouth waters every time we see and smell pasta, rice, or spaghetti being cooked. The flavors are too good for us to resist. But, they are a nightmare for your disposal. Going back to cooking, they expand in the water! They do even after they are fully cooked. So you will not want those leftovers to get submerged in your drain to clog it.

5. Nuts: Think about what your garbage disposal do. It crushes, grinds, and mashes the garbage to make it smooth paste, easily flowing down. Now think how nuts will behave. As they say, Hard nut to crake! They will make a peanut butter type a sticky paste. It's yum on bread but a headache in the bottom of your disposal.

6. Egg Shells: Use them as composite instead! Although there is a section of people who believe that it sharpens the blade of the disposal, experts disagree. Plumbers will always warn you against it. The membrane inside the eggshells can tangle around the impeller and create havoc.

7. Pits: There is a reason we don’t chew pits along with the fruit. What they can do to our teeth, they can do to the blades of your disposal! You may be lucky to get it through once or twice by fluke. But it can create chaos in the long run inside your garbage disposal.

Apart from those mentioned above, there is not much garbage disposal do's and don'ts to follow. Just keep them clean with the help of a dishwasher, occasionally run cold water through them, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. You can use citrus to get rid of any smell.

Author Bio:  Erich Lawson is passionate about saving the environment through effective recycling techniques and modern innovations. He works with Compactor Management Company and writes on a variety of topics related to recycling, including tips and advice on how balers, compactors and shredders can be used to reduce industrial waste. He loves helping businesses understand how to lower their monthly garbage bills and increase revenue from recycling.

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